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Y/n's POV:

I woke up as the sunlight hit my face, I open my eyes and see a angelic face infront of me. I grab my phone and look at the time, it's already 6:30 in the morning. I stand up and go to my bathroom to take a shower.

After I take a shower I go out of the bathroom and go to my walk-in closet. I grab my uniform and wear it.

(If you're wondering here's a picture of the uniform)

(Yeah...you wear a uniform for boys, but anyways back to the story)

I fix myself and go down stairs to be greeted by a grumpy Momo "Hey, are you okay?" I asked she just ignore me and go to the guest room. I saw mom and greet her "Good morning Mom!!" I said and smiled to her "Good morning too Sweetie" mom replied "I'm going now mom!!" I said "Are you not gonna eat??" Mom asked "Yes mom, I'm late for school already. I will just eat at the canteen later" I said and bid my goodbyes to mom.


I arrived at school at exactly 7:32 a.m. I walked inside the school just to be greeted by my friends"Hey Bro, what took you so long?" Lucas asked "Oh, I woke up late" I said and we all laugh suddenly the bell rang interrupting us "Well I think we should go now" Zoe said and we all agreed and bid our goodbyes. Me and Zoe are at the same class. We enter the room just to be greeted by students chit chatting.

I sit at my chair and plugged my earphones to listen to music. After a while, our teacher arrived and apologize because he's late.


3 subjects had past and it's already lunch I go to the canteen and bought sisig. I sit with my friends and we chitchat until the bell rang.

"Let's skip class" Khai said jokingly "Do you want us to be dead?" I asked him and he laught "No no HAHAHA, professor will probably kill us if we are late again" he said and we laugh and bid our goodbyes to go to our class.

Author's POV:

Tzuyu just woke up when she felt that she is alone in Y/n's room 'Where is Y/n' she asked herself. She goes to Y/n's bathroom and washed herself and did her morning routine.

After doing her morning routine she go down to be greeted by her soon-to-be-mother-in-law "Good morning Tzuyu, come here and eat" ^/n's mom said and she smiled and nods "Thank you eomma" Tzuyu said and sit at the dinning area.

While eating Tzuyu heard footsteps coming from upstairs and she stand up to go look at it and she there she saw her unnies just woke up "Good Morning, Unnies!!" Tzuyu said that made the 8 girls smile "Let's eat eomma already prepare food for us to eat!" Tzuyu said and all the girls nod as a agreement.

"Hey, Tzuyu where did you sleep last night?" Nayeon asked "In y/n's room" Tzuyu said that made the girls look at her in disbelief "Yah! That's considered cheating, you slept with someone that it's NOT your LOVER" Sana said while glaring at Tzuyu "She's our soon to be wife tho.." Tzuyu said "We know but we all have a boyfriends" Sana said that made everyone agreed except for Tzuyu "Me and Taehyung already broke up before I get here!!" Tzuyu shouted and stand up.

All the girls were shocked because of the youngers confession about her relationship with her so called 'boyfriend'. "Yah, sit down Tzuyu" Dahyun said "I lost my appetite, Unnie. I'm going to Y/n's room, bye." Tzuyu said with irritation in her voice.

Tzuyu left the dinning area and the 8 girls just watched her to disappear in in their sights "Did she just say that she and Taehyung broke up?" Sana asked and they all said yes but still in disbelief.

Y/n's POV:

Our Class is almost done but Mrs. Santiago said that we need to finish the discussion 'This is so boring' I thought to myself.

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