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Author's POV:

It's been a month since Y/n and Abhy started "dating", Y/n turned 18 last week and they both graduated from Senior high and they both decided to go to Korea to continue their studies there.

"Y/n, did you pack your things already?" Abhy asked the girl whose back hugging her, Y/n hummed as a response and snuggled to Abhy's neck "Yah~stop" Abhy said and faced Y/n "You smell good Abhy" Y/n said and smiled and peck Abhy's lips "I'm gonna miss my mom" Abhy said that made Y/n look at her and said "Same but your mom can't go with because you have a little sister that still in elementary" that made abhy to hug Y/Y/n and looked at her "I know Y/n, well at least your parents will go with us!!" Abhy said in a cheerful tone.

Y/n's POV:


We are here in the van going to the airport "I can't wait to meet your sister!" Abhy exclaimed that made me giggle. After a few minutes we arrived at the airport. I opened the van and waited for my mom and my girlfriend to go out. After they go out I hold Abhy's hand and kiss her cheeks "I love you Abhy" I said and she smiled "I love you more" she replied.

We entered the airport and waited till it was our turn, when we were inside the airplane I sat beside Abhy who sat next to the window "Do you think your sister would like me?"Abhy asked that made me look at her and smile "Ofcourse, Unnie will like you!" I said and kissed her forehead, she nodded and just looked at the window.

BIG TIME SKIP(I'm lazy 🦥)

We arrived at the airport and we got out of the plane, I held Abhy's hand and we entered the airport and go get our things "Mom can me and abhy go to unnie later??" I asked "Ofcourse dear, just be careful" mom said and I smiled.

We waited for our van and after a few minutes our van arrive with our Butler Frank "Good Morning, Mrs Zhang" he said and bows to the three of us.

A/N:If you're wondering Mr.Zhang can't come with them because of their company in the Philippines.

We entered the van and went to our mansion.After a long ride we finally arrived at our mansion. We got out of the van and put our things in our rooms "Abhy were going to unnie okay?" I said and she nodded. I changed my clothes and go down to the living room and waited for Abhy.

After a few minutes Abhy finally went down after changing her clothes "You look stunning " I said and pecked her lips. We bid our goodbyes to mom and go to the garage to my car. I started the engine and drove away.

Y/n's thoughts:

Do I really love Abhy or am I just using her to move on? Shitttt I don't know what to do now fuck. I guess I'm still stuck loving THEM, sorry Abhy I can't love you the way you want me to love you.

Y/n's POV:

"H-hey Abhy uhm... Do you still remember it?" I asked Abhy to make her look at me and nod "Of course! Just promise me that we will still be friends, okie??" She said and I nodded and smiled at her "Sorry Abhy I can't give the love that you gave to me" I said "It's fine at least we tried!!" She said "what should we tell unnie if she asked if we were together?" I asked "Mhm.. maybe let's just tell her the truth" she said and I nod as my response.

We arrived at the JYP entertainment where my sister is, we entered the building and asked the front desk where my sister's practice room was, after asking we proceed to the elevator but before the elevator door closes I block the door because I saw a girl that is in hurry, she entered the elevator and thank me. We made eye contact and I swear I think I saw her somewhere but I shrugged it off and break the eye contact.

We arrived at the 5th floor and we got out of the elevator the same as the girl. We parted ways and now me and Abhy were walking to the practice room where my sister is.

As we arrived at the door of the practice room I knocked and waited until someone opened the door. After a few minutes someone finally opened the door and to my surprise it was my sister, she looked at me shook and she didn't dare to move a muscle "H-hi?" I said while stuttering but suddenly Yuna hugged me and cried "I missed you baby bear" Yuna unnie said that made me smile and hug her back "I missed you too unnie!" I said and broke the hug "come inside kids" Yuna unnie said and giggled.

We entered the room and as soon as we entered it, Yuna unnie cleared her throat and said "Hello unnies, sorry for interrupting your chitchats but I want you to meet my sister, Y/n and her girlfriend Abhy" Yuna unnie said that made ALL of them look at us but to my surprise they are here "A-ah Yuna unnie, me and Y/n aren't dating! It's a misunderstanding" Abhy said "Oh if not you can date me instead" Yuna unnie said that made me choke on my own saliva "Y-ah noooo" I said and glared at Unnie "Just kidding Baby" Yuna unnie said and hug me. I looked at Abhy and she smiled.

She sat beside Itzy and while me? I'm standing and I don't know where to sit, then suddenly someone knocked and I walked towards the door and opened it to see the girl that we encountered in the elevator. I open the door wide for her to enter.

As soon as she entered the door she took off her mask and looked at me "Hi Y/nie, did you miss me??" Sana unnie said I froze in my spot as she wrapped her hands around my neck 'Since when did Sana become this flirty with me?' I asked myself "Yah~ I'm asking you a question" Sana unnie said that made me snap out of my thoughts "Yes unnie, I missed you" I said that made her giggle.

To be continued.....

Explanation for this chapter

Abhy and Y/n are NOT really dating they are just friends with benefits but Y/n's mom didn't get the friends with benefits thing that's why she told sana that Y/n has a girlfriend.


How's the chapter?
Sorry for this confusing chapter and sorry for not updating these past few days, I became busy at school and I had a fever anyway don't forget to vote and thank you for supporting this book!! Take care💙💙

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