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Author's POV:

It's already 10 a.m. in the morning the 9 girls and Mrs. Zhang (Your mom) are talking about the contract that they don't want to do. Mrs. Zhang checked the time on her phone and she saw that it was already late and Y/n is still not awake that made Mrs. Zhang suspicious because Y/n is an early bird kid "excuse me for a moment girls" Mrs. Ong said and go to Y/n's room, when mrs. Zhang is infront of Y/n's room and knocks "Y/n? Wake up it's already late" Mrs. Zhang said. Mrs. Zhang tries to twist the door knob and it's locked "Zhang Y/n don't try me!" Mrs. Zhang shouted that the girls heard and went to mrs. Zhang.

"Nayeon-ssi can you go downstairs and grab the room keys? It's located in the front door." Mrs. Zhang asked nayeon and she nodded and went to grab the keys. After a few moments Nayeon went back and gave Mrs. Zhang the keys and Mrs. Zhang thanks Nayeon "I'm going in now Zhang Y/n!" Mrs. Zhang said and when she opened the door she was shocked because it was dark in Y/n's room.

Mrs. Zhang opened the lights and saw the floor full of blood drips and she saw Y/n laying at the floor with her hand holding a blade and her wrist full of cuts, mrs. Zhang called her husband living the 9 girls looking at
Y/n's unconscious body. Tzuyu dropped on her knees and cried, she crawled up to Y/n and looked at Y/n's face with dry tears and she asked "What did you do this?" While tears fell down her cheeks and the 8 idols were also crying while looking at the two of them.

Mr. Zhang entered the room with nurses and carried Y/n's unconscious body to go to the hospital.


The Zhang couple and TWICE arrived at the hospital and the doctor immediately checked Y/n's pulse and he immediately followed it by assessing Y/n's breathing pattern.

After the doctor is done checking Y/n he goes to Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang "Your daughter's blood pressure is high and good thing you bring her to the hospital on time and I'm Dr. Manuel" Dr. Manuel said "If you want to go to Ms. Zhang's room her room number is 243 in the third floor" Dr. Manuel said and bow and left.

After the talk with Dr. Manuel the Zhangs immediately go to y/n's room to see their daughter "What has gotten into you, Y/n?" Mrs. Zhang asked and cried while looking at her daughter's unconscious body.

Tzuyu's POV:

Me and the unnies are in the hospital, me and the unnies decided to go to
y/n's room to see her. We knocked on the door and Mom opened it and let us in "Mom, how is she?" Nayeon unnie asked "She's doing fine, maybe tomorrow she'll wake up" Mrs. Zhang said "Are you guys sure that you don't want to continue the contract?" Mrs. Zhang asked us out of the bloom "Y-yes mom" I said while stuttering "When do you guys leave?" Mrs. Zhang asked "Tomorrow, mom" Sana unnie said that made Mrs. Zhang smiled weakly and nodded. An uncomfortable silent engulfed the room and no one dared to talked.

Mrs. Zhang's POV:

"You know girls? Y/n is a big fan of TWICE" I said killing the uncomfortable silent engulfing me and the girls "She's really obsessed with you guys, especially you, Sana" I said to them that made them look at me confused "Y/n's bias in your group is Sana, she really really loves your songs and when she knew that you guys have a boyfriend she became depressed but still she accepted it and started to stop liking your group" i said and the girls are still listening "But one day Y/n realized that she can't forget you all because she already fall for you guys. When you guys go here in Manila last year she immediately buys tickets to watch you girls and when she got home she smiled like she won a lottery ticket.
Y/n found you girls like her most special thing in the world but sadly you guys have boyfriends. When she found out that you will marry her she was happy but she became sad immediately remembering that you guys have boyfriends." I said "Are you trying to stop us from going back to Korea and not leave Y/n instead break up with our boyfriends?" Jihyo asked "No dear, I'm just saying what my daughter feels when she met you guys" I said and a tear fell down to my cheeks and then suddenly I felt a warm hands wrap around me, I looked up and looked at the 9 girls hugging me "Where sorry mom but we can't break up with our boyfriends, we love them so much" Momo said "It's okay girls, I understand" I said.

Tzuyu's POV:

After talking with Mrs. Zhang we bid our goodbyes to her to go back to the mansion to prepare our things for tomorrow.


"I didn't know that Y/n is a fan of us" Jeongyeon Unnie said that made us all agree "And I can't believe that I'm her bias" Sana unnie added that made me glared at her "What? I'm just saying the facts" Sana said and I just rolled my eyes.


LOCATION: in the zhang's mansion

We are here now at the mansion and started to pack our things "I'm gonna miss her" I said that made the unnies look at me "Did you really fall for her already?" Mina unnie asked me and nod "But I still love Taehyung so I will go back to Korea" I said that made Mina unnie sigh and said "If you say so, Tzuyu"

After packing me and the unnies ate pizza and pasta. After that I volunteered to wash the dishes. After doing cleaning we decided to go to sleep because we still have a flight tomorrow.


How was it??👀👀
I'm kinda lazy today so sorry for this short update!
I will try to update tomorrow!!Stay safe! Don't forget to vote 🩷. LOVE YOU GUYS!!💙💙💙

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