Chapter 9: I can't stand this

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I was going to update yesterday, but I was super busy, so here it is today :D


Trevor smiled and put his arm around me and we continued walking. I have no idea why, but around Trevor, I feel like I can be myself. With him I


I woke up remembering Saturday. Trevor is an amazing guy. I'm so happy that I forgave him. I glanced over at the time and was startled at how late it was. I was going to be late for my first day!

I tried my best to get out of bed quickly, but ended up falling on the floor, as always. I hurried to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ten minutes later, I was in my room looking for my backpack. Good job Delilah, you've easily killed five minutes looking for your backpack when it was clearly right in front of your face.

I looked in the mirror and I looked about as decent as possible, considering it's me we're talking about here.

I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. I had five minutes until I had to leave, so I quickly grabbed two granola bars. I also made sure I ignored every word that came out of Tracy's mouth. I snatched my bottle of Arizona iced tea out of the fridge.

Almost out the door, my mom stopped me.

"Delilah, were you seriously trying to leave without saying goodbye to Tracy and I?"

I smiled and hugged my mom. "Bye mom. I'll see you later." I began moving toward the door again.

"Delilah! Are you really going to leave without saying bye to Tracy?"

"Yup!" I said with a huge smile.

"No. Go say bye to him."

I exhaled very loudly. "I suppose I can spare a second." I ran into the kitchen and approached Tracy.

"I hope you have a nice day," Tracy said with no facial expression whatsoever.

"I hope you don't choke on your lunch and die," I replied as I ran out of the door.

I could tell that my comment pissed my mom off, but I didn't care. Looking down at my watch, I saw that school already started, but I honestly didn't care.

I decided to walk even slower, so I'd be even more late.

The two block walk from my house, to school went by so quickly. As I walked in, the hallway was almost empty. There were only a few people running to class, even though they were already late.

I walked slowly into the office and got all of the boring school stuff. I exited the office, looking down at the papers and books. All it was, was my schedule, locker information and my textbooks. 

I walked around until I finally found my locker. Luckily, it was in a nice and clean looking area. I tossed all of my materials in the locker that weren't needed.

I looked down at my schedule and groaned when I saw what I had first. It was science. Science was my least favorite subject.

Somehow, I managed to get lost trying to find my science class. I would ask someone for help, but no one was around. Then, me being the dumb one that I am, forgot that I had a map. I somehow navigated myself to science class and was standing outside of the classroom. I didn't want to go in!

I looked at my watch and I was almost 15 minutes late. This should be awkward. I took a few nervous deep breaths and finally opened the door. There were about 20 kids in there and each of them were staring at me. I didn't see Trevor in this class. That's just great.

The teacher approached me slowly and made me introduce myself to the class and told me to sit in the back between these two guys. I tried my best not to get engaged in any awkward situations. I didn't succeed.

"What's up, I'm Devin. You're looking pretty hot today," one of them said. I guess his name was Devin. He had blonde hair and green eyes.

"Mhm," I mumbled avoiding eye contact.

"Can't you freaking talk?!"

"I can, but I'm choosing not to," I replied.

"C'mon just talk to me."

"Maybe I don't want to."

"Why wouldn't you want to talk to me? Have you seen me? I look perfect," Devin said with a smirk.

"I don't see it. Maybe you should get your eyes checked."

"If you weren't hot, I wouldn't have let you get away with that comment," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Can you please just stop talking to me? You're getting really annoying."

"Why don't you stop being such a bitch?!"

That comment just pissed me off. He did NOT just call me that. I stood up and walked over to him while glaring. If looks could kill, he'd most definitely be dead.

"What are you going to do? Go and cry?" Devin said chuckling.

I slapped him as hard as I could across the face. I grabbed my stuff and began walking toward the door. I couldn't stand just being near Devin.

"Delilah, please take your seat," Mr. What's-his-face said.

I guess he didn't see me slap Devin, but everyone else sure did. I sat back down and completely blocked out everything else that Devin said.


Science was finally over. I'm going to hate having to sit next Devin. I already do hate it. I quickly ran to my locker and threw my science textbook in it and grabbed my math one. Call me a nerd, but I freaking love math.

Before I closed my locker, I saw that Devin approached the locker right next to mine. He just stared at me.

"Oh, your locker's next to mine," he said with a huge grin.

I rolled my eyes and walked away quickly. I literally began to run to math just to get away from Devin. I hated him that much. On the way to class, I bumped into someone and fell on the floor. We both dropped all of our stuff.

"I'm so sorry!" I said and began picking up this kid's stuff, avoiding all eye contact.

"Delilah, chill out. It's no big deal."

I quickly looked up when I heard my name and saw that it was just Trevor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to see you. You don't even know."

Trevor smiled and helped me pick up my stuff. After we were done picking up our stuff, he held his hand out to help me up. Once I was up, I gave him a small smile. Well he's one good thing about going here.

"What class do you have next?"

"Um..." I said as I looked at my schedule. "I have math with Mrs....Cooper."

"Oh. Same here," Trevor said with a smile.

Trevor put his arm around me as we began walking to class together. We walked in the class and everyone was staring. Ugh I hate being the center of attention.

Trevor quickly took his seat, leaving me in the front of the room to look awkward. Thank you, Trevor. I really appreciate it. I walked up to the teacher's desk and she told me to sit at he seat right beside Trevor's. I guess this isn't too bad.


Oh my freaking goshhhh! I'm jealous of my own character. I might update again later, but we'll see. :)

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