Chapter 17: Are you okay?

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I've been busy lately. But here it is!


Trevor's POV:

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Trevor." He grabbed my hand and shook it.

"I'm Zach."

After what seemed like an eternity, my phone finally rang.

"Just a minute, dude," I said.

I quickly answered my phone without even looking at the caller ID.


"Trevor! Hi!"

It was Delilah!

"Delilah! How are you? Are you okay? Are you going to die?! Please tell me that you're not going to die! Where are you? Do you need anything?"

I glanced over at Zach and he had a shocked expression on his face. Umm..? Of course he was listening to my conversation.

Delilah's POV:

"Woah, woah, woah! Trevor calm down! I'm okay. I'm okay!"

"Well what happened? Why'd you faint?"

I couldn't tell Trevor the real reason. I didn't want him to worry about Zach. "I was just really dehydrated."

"Oh, okay. Good. Whew. You had me worried."

"Aww Trevor."


"Do you want to come over? I'm soo booredddd."

"Will you give me food?"

"Only if you're good."

Trevor's POV:

I sighed. "I'll be right there. Give me 5 minutes."

We hung up. I glanced over at Zach again and he was still making a shocked expression. What the hell is wrong with this dude?

"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed.

Zach jumped and stopped making the face. "No, sorry."

"Well I'm leaving now so bye I guess."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"None of your business, Zach!" I shouted as I rolled my eyes.

Goodness, Zach is so damn annoying! I shook it off and started off to Delilah's house. I had a strange and eerie feeling that someone was watching as I walked, but whenever I looked around I didn't see anyone. Is someone following me? I wish Delilah was here. If she was, she'd end up beating someone up.

After a few minutes of walking, I was still feeling paranoid. I began walking faster until I finally made it to my destination. I rang the doorbell and Delilah's mom opened the door.

"Hey Trevor!" She shrieked and hugged me.

"Why hello!" I smiled. "May I please have the privilege to see your wonderful daughter?"

"Why yes! She's up in her room."


I walked into the house and began walking up the stairs.

"Don't make any babies!"

I just had to laugh at that. Gosh I loved Delilah's mom. She's too funny. I knocked on the door to Delilah's room.

"Are you decent?" I asked quietly through the door.

"Shut up Trevor!" She shouted back and opened the door.

I came in and sat next to her on her bed. We kind of just sat there awkwardly for a few minutes and I began reviewing what happened on my way here. Why did I feel so anxious? I looked at Delilah and she had a worried expression on her face.

"Are you okay, Trevor?" She asked.

I was about to say something, but then her mom came in.

"Delilah, I have to run a few errands and Tracy's still at work, so you're going to be home alone for a few hours. Trevor you're welcome to stay."

Delilah and I both nodded. Delilah's mom soon left and Delilah was acting concerned again. I didn't want her to worry, but she did.

"Trevor, you seriously, you are going to tell me what is wrong. And don't tell me you're okay because something is obviously bothering you," she said sternly.

Wow, I really had no way around this. "I just feel a little paranoid," I replied.

"About what?"

"I met this weird kid at the park earlier and on the way here, I felt as if someone was maybe following me. I don't even know."

"A weird kid? Weird how?"

"Well he was asking me a ton of questions that had nothing to do with him and was just trying to get into my personal business."

Delilah looked shocked. "You don't think he was the one following you home was he? If someone was actually following you, I mean."

I shrugged. "I don't know, but he just freaks me out."

"Well do you know anything about him? Like what's his name, what does he look like, blah blah blah?"

"Well he was average height, maybe a little taller, had spikey blonde hair and brown eyes. I think he told me his name was Zach."

As I looked over at Delilah, she looked extremely pale. And maybe a little...scared? She quickly snatched her phone out of her pocket and was looking for something. She logged onto Facebook and searched for some kid and clicked on his profile picture. She showed it to me.

"Is this him?"

My eyes widened. "Uh, yeah? You know him?"

She completely ignored my question and began freaking out. She dialed someone's number and began talking to them. "Connor, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! He's here! He's freaking here!" She paused for a moment. "No, no, no. Trevor met him at the park." She was trying her best to hold back tears. "This cannot be happening. And yeah, I'll make sure." She wiped a few tears that were falling. Soon after, she hung up.

I was completely and utterly confused. "Delilah, what the hell is going on?!"

"Zach is my ex from Minnesota and let me just say, he's psycho and he's looking for me."

"What the hell do you mean, psycho?!"

"He never takes no for an answer, he's a bully, he hit me a few times, tried to r-rape me and just completely ruined my life."

"HE WHAT?! I'm going to kill him. I will find him and kill him. He is going to die tonight. He. will. fucking. DIE." I can't remember ever being this mad.

Delilah hugged me and I was trying my best to comfort her. After about 10 minutes of Delilah crying in my arms, she stopped and began to calm down a little bit.

"I have to make sure all of the windows and doors are locked," she said as she left the room.

I was reluctant to let her go. A few seconds after she left the room, I heard her scream and a thud. I sprinted out of the room as fast as I possibly could.


I'm feeling evil guyssss. Vote/Comment if you liked it. And omfg I had soo much freaking fun on Twitter last night, you don't even know. Follow me on Twitter @whoranftniall

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