Chapter 18: It's all my fault.

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Muahaha I am so evil with those cliffhangers xD Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm too lazy to proofread tonight. Love you guys <3 And if cussing makes you mad, you may not like this chapter...


Trevor's POV:

I was reluctant to let her go. A few seconds after she left the room, I heard her scream and a thud. I sprinted out of the room as fast as I possibly could.

As I walked into the hallway I saw that Delilah was fine. I saw her talking to someone, though. I tried to get a closer look...Devin? What was he doing here?

"Devin?!" I asked as I walked down the stairs.

"Oh, hey dude!" Devin replied.

Why was he talking to me like I was his friend? He has always been a jerk to me. And why did Delilah scream? And what was that thud?

"Delilah, why'd you scream?!" I was so confused!

"Well Devin decided that since the door was unlocked, he'd just come in, so when I saw him walking through the door, I screamed and hit the vase," Delilah said.

"Yeah...I'm still very sorry about that," Devin replied.

I rolled my eyes. He made me think that Delilah was hurt, but it was actually him just being an idiot.

"Why are you here anyway?!" I shouted before I could stop myself.

Devin looked a little shocked that I yelled at him.


"Woah, Trevor, sweetie. Please try to calm down. I'm okay. That's all that matters," Delilah said calmly and gave me a hug.

I admit, the hug did calm me down a bit. I was no longer tense, but I was still anxious about Zach. He could just pop up at any moment.


Devin finally left. I have no idea why Delilah was even friends with him. I sighed and decided to stop thinking about it. Every few seconds, I would look around to make sure Zach wasn't around. I was so scared, oh my gosh. Delilah must've noticed this because she had a concerned look on her face.

"Trevor, you alright? You look pale," she said.

"I'm okay, don't worry," I replied. Wow that wasn't too convincing.

"No you're not, I'm going to go get you a glass of water. I'll be right back," she said and walked out of her room.

I was still a little scared to have her leave the room, I didn't want to lose her!

Delilah's POV:

I felt so bad for putting Trevor through all of this. He didn't deserve this. It only breaks my heart to see him going through this. It's all my fault. I sighed. I shouldn't think this way. What's done is done and I can't change it. Feeling guilty will change nothing.

I rolled my eyes at myself and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Something wasn't right. This light wasn't on when I left. Why was it on now? I shrugged. Maybe I just forgot to turn it off. I poured Trevor some water and began walking back up the stairs. Suddenly, I felt a strong tug on the back of my ankle, while on the top step. I came tumbling down the stairs and shrieked in pain.

"TREVOR!" I somehow managed to choke that out.

I looked up at a smiling Zach. How did he even get in?! All of the doors and windows were locked. Trevor bolted down quickly only to be greeted by stupid Zach. Trevor looked down at me on the floor, holding my ankle in pain and I could tell just by his expression that he was pissed. Zach smiled over at Trevor.

"Hey Trevor, did you miss me, buddy?"

Trevor scoffed. "No I did not fucking miss you! And do NOT call me your buddy! What did you do to Delilah?!" Trevor looked so mad, I thought he was going to kill Zach-which I am totally fine with by the way.

"Oh, clumsy little Delilah fell down the stairs," Zach replied.

"What the hell dude?! You pushed me down dumbass!" I tried standing up, but I couldn't.

My ankle was completely wrecked and whenever I tried to stand, I just fell again. When Trevor saw me struggling to stand, he was furious.

"You freaking dumbass jerk! You freaking injured her. Why don't you do everyone a damn favor and leave. No one wants you here! Get that through your dumbass little brain!"

Zach rolled his brown eyes. "Dude, she's mine, get the hell over it. I'm taking her back."

"Maybe she doesn't want to go back with you! She doesn't belong to you. She isn't property!"

I wished that I could do something, but I was in too much pain to even say anything. I just had to lay there and watch this all happen.

Zach chuckled. "She does belong to me. I don't give a shit what you say. And did I say that she had a choice whether or not she wanted me back? No I don't think so, now bye!"

Zach tried to lift me up and carry me, but Trevor wasn't having that. Trevor did something so crazy and stupid, yet brave. He tackled Zach and of course with my luck, I was dropped on the floor and landed wrong on my bad ankle. Zach and Trevor instantaneously began fighting.

They were throwing punches and hits to each other. I was honestly a little afraid for Trevor. Zach was a really good fighter back in Minnesota and all of the guys at school were scared of. Trevor and Zach were still hitting each other and the worst part is that I couldn't do anything. All I could do was sit there, scream and watch. I hated this. This was all my fault.


Sorry if this wasn't very good! I tried my best. Vote/Comment if you liked it! :D

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