38 - Let them live

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1 week later


"Hello Static"

Dr. Kash greeted me as she came into the room. I just waved as she walked to my bed. "So, how are you doing?" She asked. "Fine" I reply. Dr. Kash comes in to check on me every now and then since I'm a kid. She asks stuff like how I feel about what happened. She's pretty much my therapist even though I don't really give much of an answer every time she asks something.

"Any pain? Or do you need anything else?" She asked, tucking a strand of orange hair into her bun. She looked like a human but she of course wasn't. She was a mimic and acts like a human so she doesn't scare kids since she takes care of them.

"I got more strawberry lemonade if you want some" That caught my attention. Dr. Kash smiled and handed me a pink juice box with a straw. I take it and immediately stab the straw into the small foil circle. "I need to ask you a couple things, is that alright?" I nod, not really having a choice of saying no.

"Are you scared?"

"Not really"

She wrote something on the clipboard. "Do you feel you could have done something to change the outcome? Like if you left as soon as possible, you and Phantom could have avoided coming here"


She wrote something again.

"Do you trust the others?"

I shrug. "Final one-"

"I thought that was the last?" I interrupt. "I just need this last one, is that alright?" Dr. K looks up at me. "Do you think that this situation is your fault?" She asks as I respond without hesitation.

"I do"


After Dr. Kash finished asking me questions, she let me see Phantom. I was able to stand up so we met in his room. His stab was more deadly since the black spikes also have poison inside of them. Yes, Phantom had poison in him but the doctors said he'll be fine.

I was sat on his bed as he had a couple of IV's connected to his body. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine, mostly tired. You?" I shrug as I reply. "The same, my therapist came in earlier and gave me a pack of strawberry lemonade" He chuckled. "Are you really THAT addicted to that stuff?" I roll my eyes playfully. "Shut up, it's good alright?"

"Have you gotten any visitors?"

"Mom came in yesterday. She's still looking for a place to stay that isn't far" Phantom looked at me sympathetically. "You two can stay with us if you guys want"

"No we'll be fine, you guys are already paying the hospital bills and-"

"I insist. Dad and Echo wouldn't mind either. Echo won't have me bugging her to do stuff and Dad can talk to your mom about.. taxes or whatever adults talk about" He reassured. "Plus, houses are expensive as hell and you know we have like, five other rooms open!"

I sigh at his excitement. "That's my moms call, not mine" Phantom pouted. "True, but my dad will probably persuade her anyways" He said as he sat up.

"So that's where you get it from" I reply smugly. "Hey!" Phantom punched me in the arm lightly. "It's true though"

"Strawberry lemonade addict"

"Tea obsessed"

"Sarcastic jerk"

"Annoying idiot"



"Rude!" Phantom turned away from me as I snort. We sat there in silence but quickly started to laugh. "You're still a dumbo though"

"I'm YOUR dumbo friend" He corrects as someone knocked on the door. I stand up since he couldn't walk for a few more days, to open the door. Crescent, Echo and surprisingly Rayven were behind the door. "Hey, come to see Phantom?"

"Yep" Echo replied as I stepped aside to let them inside the room. "Hi guys!" Phantom waved his hand and smiled at the sight of his family. "Hi Rayven" He greeted the violet incarnation. "Hey, I heard what happened with you"

"Those two told you?" They nodded. "How are you both doing?" Rayven asks the both of us. "We're good" We both reply at the same time, the only difference was that Phantom was smiling. "Has anything new happened?" He asks as the others grabbed a few chairs and sat down in them.

"Meh not really, it's been pretty boring without you at the house" Echo says.

"Oh! Dad! Speaking of the house, when we're both out of here, can Static and Uma live with us?"

"I mean, that'd be nice so sure" He looked over to me. "Told you"

"But I-"

"I'll call your mom and ask about this if you want Static" Crescent recommended. "I- Yea.. Sure" He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed my mom. It did the iconic ringing noise thingy as we waited.

"Wow, way to great me after only a week.. Are you still looking for a house? Because Phantom and Static were wondering if you wanted to move in with us... Kay.. Sure, I'll put him on" Crescent handed me his phone.

"Hi" I greet. "Hi kiddo, do you want to move in with them?" Mom asks as soon as I answer. "I'm fine with whatever you want, why?"

"Alright, when you're out of the hospital, I'll ask Cres to pick you up and bring you to the house. I'll get your stuff at your other house"

"Wait you know about the old house?"

"Phantom and Echo told me about that. They said you lived alone for months"

"Yeah.." I whisper because I know she was about to blow up at me. I heard her sigh on the other end. "You should've asked to live with them"

"Mom you do know that Crescent was supposed to kill me? Plus I only knew Echo. Barely at the time."

"..Good point, actually. Do you want to come with me to the house?"

"Sure? When though?"

"When the both of you get out since you both leave on the same day"


"How's your stomach?"


"Cramps? Pain?"


"Okay, well I need to leave. I'm waiting for something so I gotta go. Bye, love you"


She hung up the phone as I handed it back to Crescent. "So?" Phantom asked. "We'll move in when we're out" I reply as his eyes pretty much sparkled. "Yes!" He cheered, pumping his fist. "..Hey Phantom" I say to catch his attention.

"Hm?" He looked towards me. "Do you wanna come to my old house and help get my stuff there?" The Blood-moon smiled brightly. "Yeah sure, maybe we can go to the café or do something after" I chuckle and close my eyes before throwing my head up to look at the ceiling.


END OF CHAPTER 38 - Let them live

(EDITING) 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now