Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Olivia Roune POV

                I was startled awake by some strange girl staring at me. Quickly I jolt to my feet startled by her sudden appearance.

The mystery girl chuckles under her breath and says, "Sorry didn't mean to wake you." Without trying I can hear that she has a slight French accent. My brain soars as I search for a reply but she beats me to it "My name is Logan and your hair is super messy, but have faith because I snuck in my emergency hair brush."

Glancing her over once, I can tell that she isn't a girly girl and she looks like a normal person from Mina. She is holding out her brush with eager eyes. Before I look rude, I grab the brush and say "Thanks...I guess?"

Logan replies, "No problem. What's your name?"

Again I am taken back by how forthcoming this girl is. Now that my mind has finally caught up with the situation I say, "Olivia, and what are you doing in my cell?"

 After Logan has fully introduced herself I ask, "So what did you do to get in here you left that part out of your introduction?"

Logan purses her lips and instantly turns pale. She says, "I murdered someone because they took the trash can in front of my house. Really when you think about it maybe I should have hid the body in the trash can, then they wouldn't have found the body in plain sight."

I didn't realize that I had been backing up to the wall and holding the hairbrush she gave me in front of me like a weapon.

Logan moves towards me and then stops midway saying, "Oh my word, you actually fell for it! I didn't think that you of all people would fall for it."

I drop the comb and sink against the wall sighing and once I finally catch my breath I say, "So if you didn't kill anybody then what did you do?"

Logan says, "Petty theft, I was put in here for twenty four hours because I tried to steal a soccer goal from the local fields. By the way don't attempt to do that, soccer goals are heavier than they look and are super obvious as you take it down the street."

I chuckle under my breath and feel deep down inside that maybe Logan is going to make a great addition to my small group of friends.


Sometime around midnight the door to my cell is thrown open with blinding light streaming through the open spaces that aren't occupied with shadows. Earlier in the night I offered Logan the bed because after all it was her only night in prison, but she refused and curled up on the floor.

The two shadows in the doorway seize my temporary roommate off the floor jolting her out of a soundless sleep. Logan awakes screaming, "Lawson NO!"

I question who this Lawson character is, but say nothing and pretend to stay asleep. Logan is yanked in the hallway screaming the whole way until I hear a door slam and then nothing, no sound at all.

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