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"What's it got to do with you? How did you even see? Stalker." Was he seriously watching us through the window or some shit?

"I'm serious Sofia." Rafe spoke.

His words confused me. Why the fuck does he care?

"Fine, Jesus. If you really have too know, me and JJ are on good terms now. We are friends." I explained to the for some reason angry looking boy in front of me.

"Idiot." Rafe muttered under his breath. Excuse me?

"What do you mean 'idiot' Rafe?" I spat angrily. Seriously, he's got no right to fucking speak on this situation.

"Your fucking forgiving him too fast Sofia, he's just going to leave you crying once again. Dirty fucki"-

"Okay first off, why are you giving me your opinion on a situation that has nothing to do with you, acting like your words have any fucking impact on me anyway. Second of all, i'm actually trying to learn to forgive people, unlike you who is so fucking stuck in your own ways." I quickly interrupted Rafe. My words would probably sound harsh to any bystander, but i was right.

"Wait a minute Sofia, if i was so stuck in my own ways, would i of fucking drove you home multiple times when you were almost always in tears because of the fucking douche in the first place?" Rafe loudly stated, inching closer to me with every word. Shit.

I took in his words for a moment. I hadn't really thought about it like that. My minds like a fucking jungle at the moment. I didn't want to argue with him though.

"Okay, okay, just don't start yelling please." I flinched, not for any particular reason, i just hated people yelling at me, i always have. So fucking weak.

Rafe frowned. "I'm not yelling?" He said quietly while studying my face for a minute. I looked away. I hated to admit it but, when in a conversation like this with Rafe, he can be pretty intimidating.

"Okay." I looked back into his eyes. "I'm sorry Rafe. I- my heads been been all over the place recently, i didn"-

"Hey hey, it's okay. I get it." Rafe quickly and surprisingly said, interrupting me.

I felt my eyes begin to prick with tears. There's no way i'm about to let myself cry in-front of Rafe Cameron once again. But i couldn't help it. His words for some reason sounded reassuring. Everything suddenly came crashing down at once. JJ, my friends, my mom. I tried to hold the tears back, wiping at my eyes discreetly, but Rafe somehow noticed.

"Sofia.." He bent down to my height trying to look in my eyes. "Why are you crying? I'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you. Please look at me."

"It's not you." I tried to tell him through my sniffs.

The next thing that happened surprised me almost more than anything i have endured in the past few days. Jesus, maybe even the past few years. I suddenly felt a pair of hard arms lay around me, falling above my shoulders and around my neck. He was hugging me.

For some reason i just broke down. I let out almost everything that i had held in for as long as i could remember. I had finally broken all that i was trying to keep in.

I cried into Rafe's chest whilst he began to slowly stroke my head. He then began walking backwards towards the armchair near the corner of the room keeping his arms around my back, i followed, just happy to have the comfort of someone around me right now. He slowly and gently sat pulling me with him. In any other situation this would be feel weird or sexual, but in this moment, Rafe only seemed like he wanted to comfort me.

I sat comfortably in his lap, with my knees curled up and my head still buried in his chest. He began to run his fingers through my hair. Right now, his touch made me feel secure and protected. Like there was a bubble around just us two.

He still looked worried, and slightly like he didn't know what he was doing, but it was somehow working. I sat in his arms for another good 5 minutes crying before i began to calm down. Fucking hell, what did i just do?

"I'm sorry." My voice came out croaky and quiet.
"I don't even know why i'm crying." That was a lie.

Rafe looked into my eyes and rolled his own. "You do. And it's fine Sofia. As i said, i understand, you obviously needed a good cry. Not to happy about my now tear stained shirt though." He snickered, trying to make light to the situation.

I lightly laughed back. "Shit, sorry." I began using my hand to wipe his chest for some reason thinking it would magically dry the wet in an instant. When i realised that obviously wasn't going to work, i paused my hand and looked up into Rafe's eyes once again.

"You alright now? You still going to that party later?" Rafe asked. Jesus, he really must of heard most of me and JJ's conversation.

"I'm okay, thankyou. And fuck it yeah i might as well. I need to find Sarah though." I replied, standing from Rafe's lap, feeling his hand linger on my back for a second.

"Wait, let me take you." Rafe stood, asking urgently.

"O-okay. Let me just go freshen up upstairs." I spoke a little shocked. Why is he being like this? I mean it's fine, it's nice. He was being really sweet. I mean he just let me fucking cry in his arms, but i still feel a little confused. The other night i saw him snorting lines of cocaine like a fucking vacuum, and now this?

Rafe nodded grabbing his keys whilst i rushed up the stairs.

What a strange fucking roller coaster of an evening, and now i'm arriving at a party with Rafe Cameron. What the fuck...


Bless, weird tho for the Rafe we all know haha

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