Act one, Part Fifteen: Her West Wing

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Eight days later

The evening has rolled by outside New York City. And it is at the beginning of December when the weather's getting cold, and people are putting up their holiday decorations. While down in the lair, things are just starting to get worse. Starting with Splinter sitting in his chair as he watches a news report on the T.V. A reporter is shown while behind her are the girl's pictures as humans.

"It had been a full three months since the disappearance of the five teens from TCRI, and the police said they failed to find any trace or clues to where they are." The reporter spoke while holding her microphone. "Many believed they were now dead, some believed they had run away to another country, and some thought they were in hiding." She frowned sadly. "If you girls are still alive, we hope you are safe."

Unknown to them, Ginny was laughing joyfully. She played on the pinball machine, hitting the ball as her score increased. Behind her, Julian is watching her playing and cheering for her. It seems true to the reporter's word; they are very safe, and they are completely happy, too.

"You got this!! Keep it up!!" Julian cheered, watching the score go up.

"Almost!! And..." Ginny hit the button, watching the ball reach the top, and the machine let out a musical chime. "Yes!!" The machine lifts, with the results of her score. Ginny jumped on her feet. "Woo-hoo!! I did it!!" She high-fived Julian, who was smiling at her victory.

Standing by the wall, Leo was watching everything from the two. His face has a warm smile without him noticing while his arms are crossed, too. He has seen her growing as her own person, and seeing her so happy and smiling has implanted in his memory core. He let out a sigh but in a merry way. She has somehow brought light in his dark days, and all he cares about is making her happy and giving her a reason to be alive.

The moment was suddenly ruined when a ball hit Leo on the head. He let out a yelp and almost fell to the floor, using the wall edge to catch himself and pull himself up. He glared at the direction of the ball. "Hey!!"

To who kicked the ball was Judi, who was playing soccer with Mikey. She frowned with a sweat drop on her brow. "Sorry." She apologized.

Leo picked up the ball with his hands. "Think you two can play soccer anywhere else without causing brain damage?" Then he kicked the ball to the two.

Mikey catches it using his head and pulls it up till it hits the floor. "Right." He faced Judi. "Let's go, Judi!" He kicked the ball away from the gaming room and into an open area.

"Coming!" Judi followed him there.

Mikey kicked the ball to Judi, who caught it with her feet. She then kicked it to Mikey as he caught the ball with his own feet. He looked at her, seeing her smiling face, a smile that made Mikey's heart feel so warm and beating fast.

"Hey Judi! Check these moves out!" He kicked the ball up into the air, used his knees to dabble the ball between, and used his head to kick it up. This was all a way for him to show off to her, wanting to impress her like the love-struck teen he is when trying to impress a girl with an extraordinary act.

Judi giggled while bouncing on her feet. "That's awesome, Mikey!!" She cheered, clapping.

"Now check this out!" He then kicked the ball, causing it to bounce through the walls and furniture. Mikey rushed in the way to kick it back, but it bounced past him and crashed through a window.

Mikey froze in fear, realizing where the ball had entered. Nina's room. "Oh no!" Mikey panicked. This is bad; Nina will get mad when she finds out they destroyed her window and entered her territory.

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