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Jesse got out of the car as Hank and Logan helped Charles into his wheelchair. He walked to the other side of the car and stands beside Logan, taking his hand into his.

Charles looked out at all the faces. "Even more than I feared..."

"Split up and search." Logan said, not letting go of Jesse's hand as they head into the crowd, searching for Raven. "I have a question."

Jesse looked away from the crowd, looking up at Logan who is still searching around the crowd. "What is it?" He asked, head turning back at the crowd.

"Have you ever fight anyone before?" Logan asked.

Jesse shakes his head, sighing softly, trying to keep up with Logan pace. "No, I've never fought anyone before. Why?"

Logan nods slowly as he stopped walking. "You might need to today." He said, seeing the presidential motorcade pulls up.

Jesse looked to where Logan is looking and saw the President being escorted by secret servicemen toward the stage with Trask trailing behind him. He let the crowd pushes forward as he started following after Hank and Logan.

"Today is a historic day..." Trask said, addressing the vast crowd with the President, Bill, and the Generals standing behind him. "Today we are united not by faith or flag, but by something far greater."

Charles keeps moving through faces and minds, trying to find Raven.

"Today we stand as Homo Sapiens, facing the greatest threat in the history of our species. What the world witnessed in Paris was not an isolated incident. These people are part of a growing population of humans with mutated DNA, mutants if you will..."

Charles continues to move through the storm of voices, minds, until he hears a familiar voice. "Raven..." He said inside his mind, talking with her directly.

Raven slows for a moment, as the speech continues in the background, focusing on Charles talking inside her minds. "I thought you said you'd never get in my head." She said softly from under her breath.

"You left me little choice. Please, Raven, stop now. I don't want to use my power against you." Charles said.

Raven continues toward the stage. "Why don't you use it against them?" She asked.

"Because that would give Trask exactly what he wants. And so will you, if you walk into his hands. He needs you, Raven, to seal our fate." Charles said.

"He can't do that if he's dead." Raven said, transforming into a police officer, crossing the barricade.

"Raven, stop now, or I will stop you." Charles said, watching as Raven keeps moving, sliding out a gun. "Raven..." He said, focusing ready to freeze her, but his eyes flutter, sensing something. "Something is happening..."

Logan turns, hearing something. A loud cracking sound. Like ice, only it's marble.

Head turn toward the opposite side of the mall, seeing the massive Lincoln statue cracking, revealing the thin metal skeleton under the stone. The metal twists and the statue rips off it's base. It comes flying out of the memorial, shattering the volume and comes tumbling across the reflecting pond. Smashing into the base of the Washington monument. The obelisk cracks, splitting as it starts to tumble down.

But the top of the monument freezes in the air, the metal cap glistening in the sun.

Charles face changed, looking at the familiar figure. "Erik..." He muttered from under his breath.

Jesse looked up at Erik who stands at the base of the Washington monument, with one arm controlling the monument.

Erik turns it around to it faces the capitol, hurling it toward the building.

Eternal love - Logan Howlett x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now