Met him on a journey back to home...

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She was travelling alone for the first time to reach home... And in front of him was a guy who ran away from his home in search of what his life is about... What is his future going to be...and will he be able to work on his start up... Will his dream come true...

Her phone rang and she picked up... It was her mother...
Ji Mummy... She said...
He smiled looking down to his book... It's was around 7th call from her mom in this journey...
She saw him smiling and he looked up... His eyes sparkled and she stopped for a second when her mom said... Hello...
She regained her outgoing mind and replied...
She talked for hours and he was listening everything... By just her talk, he got to know so much about her... And that was when he wanted to meet her more...

Her station arrived and she stood up... He stood up to help her with the luggage and said... Let me help you.. I'll drop you to the station.
She hesitated and he saw that and said,
Don't worry... Let me help you...
No one does good for no reason...she said and the words revealed itself that she has gone through much...
He nodded and said... I don't want much... I just want to listen to you like you did before to your mother.
Why? She asked to hear the sudden exchange of deal...
I wanna talk to you...
She denied and took the luggage but when the station arrived and it was difficult for her to carry the luggage all alone as it was heavy, she looked at him and he looked at her with straight face and nodded and helped her.. She carried the front handle and he carried the back handle and they reached the platform.

She said thank you and asked if he really wanna listen to her?
He nodded...
Any other deal she asked...
It will be only possible if we were married... I wanna kiss your lips... She was taken aback. The chit with her number on it, she crumbled it. He saw that and immediately held her hand. He took the crumble and replied your welcome and went inside. She looked at his back and a sudden feeling of hugging him from back made her realise, it's him. She wanted to be with him for more... Her father arrived and they went home...
He gave a missed call and she knew it was him.
She messaged him thank you again and that if he has reached his destination...
He replied with your welcome and said... No...not yet...

The End!


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