Thunder's Story Part 1 OF 3 The Lightning has Struck

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Now most of you have probably heard of Tom Kullerson who tamed a dragon and made humans trust dragons. But first you need to understand that dragons have existed way before humans and Vikings.  We have been here for decades; we live breath and grow as one. You may know of that story of how that boy changed the world. But what you don't know is my story that boy it Tom my very best friend, this is my story, my story of how I lost my family and found my destiny. If you want to hear my story keep on reading if not turn a few pages. 

The sun goes down as a patient dragon goes back and forth. The dragon is known as a Nightlight descendent from a Nightfury and Lightfury. She is more Lightfury though is mostly white with black patches all over, with blue eyes. There is a dragon waiting patiently next to her he is mostly black with white patches and blue eyes. They are carefully watching. There is an egg in front of them. Mostly black with white patches. Just like them. They are waiting for their first-born dragon baby to hatch. Then the time came, dark clouds came over them. Then a dragon came flying down. The dragon was mostly black but had a pure white stomach and blue eyes, when he came through, he commanded the room or forest. All dragons bowed before him. He was the Alpha King of all dragons and Protector of all. He knew the time had come. 

The dark clouds were becoming darker than a bolt of lightning it the egg the egg shook then it shattered into pieces. Out came a baby dragon, a baby nightlight. The nightlight had a white stomach, blue eyes and had some of his face white with a symbol of lightning. This dragon was made from lightning. He was born. He opened his eyes and saw the two dragons in front of him. He knew the dragons were his parents. He ran over and the dragons licked him. The older dragon came towards him. The dragon bowed to him. The alpha knew that this baby will do great things for all dragons. The said he will be named Thunder because of his raw ability of Lightning.  

Now if you are still reading you must be slightly interested. To understand the whole story, you need to know there was once a great Alpha called Toothless who met a Lightfury and they had 3 children this is their descendants they grew up in a safe place for all dragons. Toothless was friends a Viking, this Viking friend lived. 

Thunder's parents walked forward towards the cliff of their home. Thunder followed them, Thunder saw dragons flying around everywhere. The alpha flew up and saw them he bowed to Thunder mid-air. Thunder was amazed at everything he saw it was his home, his family, his life. 

A few days after that it was time for thunder to take his first flight. The alpha was waiting in the sky for thunder. Thunder's Mum and Dad were waiting next to Thunder. Thunder's mum opened her wings and flew into the sky as Thunder watched her. Thunder's Dad then went into the sky. It was Thunder's turn. He ran, ran hard and flew harder. Opened his wings and jumped hoping he could fly. He flapped his wings and hoped harder. He flew he flew up into the sky. Thunder never felt more free. Thunder flew up towards his parents and circled around him. They flew together in the sky they were flying amongst all the dragons. Thunder felt so powerful and more free than ever before he was home, he was safe, he was happy. 

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