Thunder's Story | Season 1 Episode 6

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The dragons were all sleeping peacefully. Thunder was sleeping dreaming of his family remembering what they looked like. Then the hole cave was rocking, rocks were falling down all the dragons woke and were panicking. It was the middle of the night the whole cave was falling apart.

They all panicked and flew up trying to avoid all of the rocks, eventually the rocks stopped falling and the cave stopped rocking then they waited and hid until their human friends came the following morning.

Thunder and the other dragon's were hiding high in case the cave rocked again. Then he saw tom and his other friends come in. Tom called Thunder's name and Thunder came to see Tom. Thunder was scared they could have been hurt by those rocks.

Tom and the other humans were talking about what to do about the rocks. Then Tom says how they have to go into the Hidden world. Thunder wasn't sure what was happening. He followed Tom as Tom walked into the distance. Thunder didn't want to leave Tom but deep down he knew things weren't safe for the dragons here. They weren't safe with all these rocks but even though Thunder didn't want to leave he knew he had to.

Thunder was so sad to say goodbye to his friend but he knew he would see Tom again one day soon.

Thunder flew into the air with the other dragons and looked back at Tom. He didn't want to leave to return to the hidden world but had to. To protect himself and the other dragons.

They all landed back at the hidden world and looked back hoping to see there friends one day soon. Thunder found a nice spot on a crystal and drifted off to sleep. He remembered his friend and remembered why they had to return. Thunder woke up and flew around and remembered what he needed to do. He needed to find his family. He had formed such a strong connection with Tom but needed to find what happened to his family. He flew past the hole where the giant dragon often tunnelled and searched for any sign of a night light or Skrill. But nothing was to be found.

He was far away from the cave entrance then he heard a tapping sound. A sound he had heard before. it was his friend Tom. Tom must of been trying to get in the hidden world. Thunder went to the entrance and saw that there was a rock slide and no one could get in or out of the hidden world. Tom must of needed their help and couldn't get in.

Thunder couldn't blast the rocks alone he went and found all of the dragons then they blasted the rocks and saw Tom and Jun.

Thunder was so happy to see them. Tom said how they had work to do. So Tom got on Thunder's back and flew into the gap between the dragon and human world.

The other dragon went to get the other friends while, Thunder went with Tom and flew into the air. He saw the fault ripper tunnelling through the walls. Thunder then realized he was the one making all the rocks fall. He saw 2 humans in a circle figure, and had to save them. Thunder fired a lightning blast in the dragons face to get its attention away from the circle object.

Thunder was flying with Tom in all direction and blasting the dragon. Trying to get the dragon to leave them alone. While the dragon was distracted he blasted the rocks to free the object. But they had to keep flying around to avoid the dragon's blasts. The dragon was fast but so were they.

They weren't winning against the dragon. Tom told Thunder that he was open to ideas. Thunder was thinking. He decided to try and take the dragon head on. He turned and flew straight towards the dragon tried blasting him but nothing worked. The dragon then spiralled through fire and Thunder had to move around him. There was just nothing that could take him down.

Thunder and Tom were trying to work together but were running out of ideas. Then Thunder tried to get one more bit of speed in him and then he saw plowhorn and wu and wei. He couldn't be happier to see his friends. He couldn't do this alone for much longer.

They were all working together Tom came up with a plan and they all worked together to try and get the dragon to leave. They were slowly getting the dragon to leave. Then Thunder ran out of shots. Tom seemed so confused. Thunder wasn't looking as Tom was being confused and the dragon hit Thunder with his tail he fell and smashed against some rocks.

When he came too he saw Feathers helping finally to take down the dragon. Feathers was blasted her sonic sound waves at the dragon and they were actually taking the dragon down, then as the dragon was beginning to fall he grabbed Tom and Thunder and they fell down.

Thunder was falling down with the dragon around him. Tom managed to get out of the dragons clutches and told Thunder to fire. Thunder fired one giant blast and flew back up they all arrived back in their cave. Thunder was happy the dragon was finally gone but he does wonder if it was truly the right thing to do.

Later Tom and all the others came back down, they were all so happy to be back with their dragons. They all were talking about home and decided to mark their territory. They all made their print on a wall of the cave. Thunder looked around and was happy to see that everyone felt at home, thunder had been really starting to make a home. Even though Thunder didn't know where his family went, he was happy to be home. Thunder then blasted a symbol of his kind Nightfuries it is a symbol he remembers from when he was young. 

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