Thunder's Story | Season 2 Episode 6 and 7

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Thunder was sleeping and dreaming, he was remembering the fight that happened all the events that led up to it. He woke up in fear that he would never see his family again. He went to the entrance to the cave from the human world. He was looking up at the sky there was thunder and lightning then he saw a shadow. A shadow of a SKRILL. 

He saw the dragon clear as day it was a skrill it dove down into the hidden world. The storm then passed. Thunder went back into the cave hoping that Tom was there. But he wasn't as much as he felt a connection with Tom and loved having feathers, wu, wei and plowhorn as his dragon family it wasn't the same. Seeing those spiderwings the other day made him realize he needed to find his family he couldn't keep living like this. If he couldn't find his family he needed to get revenge for his family. He could smell the skrills tracks he couldn't let that skrill go not when it chased his family away. 

The other dragons saw how panicked he was they were curious what was wrong. 

Thunder told them how he saw a skrill and couldn't wait any longer, he couldn't wait for Tom and the other riders Thunder needed to take down that skrill and get revenge for his family. Thunder flew out of the cave and into the crystal realm leaving the other dragons alone. 

Thunder knew the skrill wouldn't have been far in front, he also couldn't lead Tom to him. Thunder found the biggest crystal he could find and shot a huge bolt of lightning at it then had it bounce back to his saddle and the tracker was disabled. 

He couldn't let Alex track him they couldn't find him. 

Thunder found scales from a skrill he knew this was his chance to avenge his family. He growled at the skrill and then the skrill created a powerful lightning blast that knocked Thunder against the wall. Thunder woke up and saw the skrill flying into the distance. Thunder needed revenge he wasn't going to let the dragon get away this time.  

Thunder flew into the distance he found more scales leading into the tunnel and went through then he found him he found the skrill. He came into a different place. The alpha told him about different places this one was called the dark realm. It was dangerous and mysterious. Thunder blasted the cave hole he came through he couldn't let Tom follow him. He saw the titanwing skrill. 

He looked deep in his eyes, this is the dragon that chased off his family this is the moment Thunder had waited for all this time. Thunder flew into the air and blasted lightning as lightning surged throughout his body he blasted again as the skrill blasted as well. Back and forth they went Thunder was trying to avoid all of the skrills attacked. The skrill was strong but Thunder couldn't let him get away this time. 

Thunder kept on blasting lightning then as he was about to shoot lightning again he was knocked down by a huge gust of wind. He looked up and saw a razorwhip. He looked to the left and saw and entrance to another part of this dark world. The razorwhip must of been guarding it. But Thunder didn't want to go in their he wanted to go after the skrill. The razorwhip was powerful and it's power was strong but Thunder couldn't give in. 

Thunder flew around using the lightning in him to go fast, he flew fast and pushed his way out of the tornado. 

He flew into the distance going after the skrill. 

The skrill was flying into a cave but thunder shot lightning at him. Then they went at it again, Thunder may have been smaller but he couldn't let that stop him he had to keep going for his family. 

Who knows what truely happened to them but he had to find out. Thunder moved around the skrill, tried attacking him from every angle. Lightning was bouncing off the walls their were marks all over the walls and then he locked eyes with the skrill. 

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