Chapter 1 (who is that?)

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hello everyone, i hope you enjoy this story any feedback or ideas please let me know i would love to read all the comments 

I was sitting on a tree branch in the middle of a cold "December" night like I always did when I saw a human walking through the graveyard.

It was surprising since no one comes here anymore, especially not this late at night. Needless to say, I was very intrigued, so as the person got farther away from me and started to disappear through the thick fog, I decided to follow.

As I got closer to the figure, I realized it was a boy, he seemed to be in his 20s or something. I may have seen a lot of humans, but I was still very bad at knowing their age.

Anyway, after a while of walking through the different graves, he finally stopped at a particularly clean headstone which led me to believe the owner of that grave hadn't been dead very long.

The boy just stared at the headstone for a good minute. I just kept watching him with intense curiosity. Then he suddenly dropped to his knees lightly sobbing and quietly muttering to himself.

At first, I couldn't hear what he was saying, so I quietly inched closer. I could then hear him saying, "Why did you have to leave me? Why, why, why... Why, Dad?" Oh, so it's his dad who is dead.

After a couple of minutes, he gets up, wipes away his tears, dusts the dirt from his pants, and walks away, heading back to the graveyard's gate.

For some reason, this human really piqued my interest, and this wasn't a common occurrence. Humans always seemed to be boring creatures to me, and I never liked their instinct for change, constantly changing everything, they call it evolving.

I personally think good things should not be changed, but who am I to say anything at all? I am not even human. The boy keeps walking straight after leaving the graveyard.

He crosses the street without waiting for the traffic light to turn green, as the street is practically deserted. He then turns right then left and enters a dark and eerie alleyway.

He walks through the alleyway until he reaches the end, then turns right again and stops in front of a small but well-lit convenience store, he walks in, and I quietly but quickly follow behind.

The boy walks over to the cashier and starts talking to him. Luckily, they can't see me due to my size, so it's easy to eavesdrop. "Oh hey, I haven't seen you for a while," the cashier sounds surprised "Yeah, I uh, I-I didn't have much time to d-drop by," the boy says nervously.

The cashier looks closer at the boy and seems to inspect his face "Are you okay? You look really pale," the cashier looks worried. The boy instinctively reaches his fingers to lightly chafe his face "Oh uh yeah, I haven't been g-getting much sleep, t-thanks for asking Mike" Mike smiles softly "Of course you know I care about you, right? Try and sleep more, okay?" Y"-yeah, o-okay," the boy starts fidgeting with his fingers. "I-I need to g-go now, is t-that okay?" Mike frowns slightly and says, "Yes, of course, you don't have to ask me." the boy gives a weak smile and waves "B-bye" The cashier smiles and waves. Back "Bye Nate, come back soon."

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