Chapter 3 (snooping)

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I wake up to a loud thump coming from outside the room. I slowly get up to see it's the morning now. I quietly get up and walk out of the room to see Nate picking up a book off the floor. He places it on the table in front of him and goes to the kitchen.

 I hear the clicking of the stove turning on, and I assume he is going to take a while, so I hop onto the table and look at the book for a little bit. It's an old worn-out book with the black leather cover pealing slightly, and some of the pages have ripped corners, there is also a thin ribbon for a bookmark.

 I managed to open the book and realized that it was a diary. I flipped to the latest page and started reading. The first page talks about how he went to visit his father's grave and how he wishes his father was still alive.

 He says how he is confused that his father suddenly disappeared while on a business trip and how the police unexpectedly found his corpse on the side of the road, and how he was unrecognizable.

 The autopsy report came back from the lab and stated that the body was dead before it had been burned. The report also said that someone must have pulled all of the teeth out because the way he had died was due to multiple stab wounds to the chest.

The only way they knew it was him was because of a tooth that was lying next to him next to his head. Nate also writes that it has already been a week since the funeral and that everything doesn't make sense at all.

Why would anyone kill and then burn his father? His father wasn't a rich man, nor did he have any enemies. In fact, he was the nicest person Nate ever knew.

 I hear the stove turn off and footsteps go back to the living room so I quickly close the book and hop back down, and run under the grey couch in the corner, he sits down with his breakfast which includes scrambled eggs a cream cheese bagel He looks at the time and cusses and says something about being late for work.

 Nate scarfs down the food quickly and runs to his room to change. He runs back and grabs his keys and phone and runs out the door so I rush to run after him before he locks the door.

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