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I was about to doze off when I heard a loud bang and loud screaming from my classmates.

I raised my head and rubbed my eyes and turn to find the culprit who cause me to wake up.

Everyone was looking at Taeman with a shock expression so I knew, right then and there that he is the culprit.

"That startled me" Deokjoong said sighing in relief, beside him was Kimchi who was laughing.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Yah! Wang Taeman!"

"You attention-seeker, cut it out already!"

"Yah, Wang Taeman." Hyeong-shin called his attention, he was standing infront of the board, writing something. "I get you're nutcase, but please turn on the blinker before you go, ok?" He added.

Taeman continue to grin like a crazy man. "I did turn the blinker on." He smugly replied.

"What blinker?" Hyeong is smart kid but he was confused of what Taeman is saying.

The classroom then again began to protest.

"What's he sayin?"

"What's his deal seriously?"

Classroom President Yu-jeong, froze when she smelled something. Everyone begin to smell something awful and Woo Taek was the first to react.

"Whoa! You so of a bi-" he wasn't even able to finish because he immediately ran to the windows to breathe.

Everyone starts to act like they were about to puke. I planned on enduring the smell until it's no longer there but, as everyone starts running towards the window, Jangsoo grabbed me and dragged me to the windows.

I looked at him confused but I was still thankful. I give him a small smile which he replied with the same smile but the a slight tint of blush on his cheeks. He continued to smile but divert his eyes outside, seems like he's avoiding my glace. Is he shy?

"Yah! Class President do something about him!"

"Yah, what can I do about farting? It's a psychological action." The Class President replied.

"Gosh, that crazy asshole." They continued to whine.

I pushed Jangsoo a little so I can reach a book on the top of the shelf. Jangsoo looked at me confused, wondering what will I do with the book.

"Yah, Taeman. What the fuck did you eat?" I am so irritated, I was sleeping and he decided to BOMB us?

At this point everyone is looking at us. Taeman turned to me smirking, he opened his mouth to speak but I throw the book in his face. He was caught off guard that's why he was hit in the face. Also I aim pretty good.

Everybody starts laughing at him and starts praising me. I turn to the window again and Woo Taek who was beside be offered me a high five, which I gladly accept. Jangsoo on the other hand is towering over me, he was position behind me and was taller than me. He is smilling at me.

What i didn't noticed is that Taeman's attention is still on me and after he witness the interaction I had with Jangsoo he rolled his eyes and lay his head again, seemingly annoyed.

"What are you doing?" Ilha asked, he was riding a motorcycle with Hui Rak behind him.

"Hey, were evading Wang Taeman."


"Yah, Kwon Ilha! Is the students allowed to ride bikes?" I asked because as far as I can remember, they never allow students to ride a bike inside the campus.

He looked at me and smirked " ofcourse not, sweetheart." He even smirked at me I cringed at the nickname, and I also noticed how Jang-soo's hand gripped tighter on the window steal causing it to bend slightly.

Ilha was about to say something to me when Hui Rak  tapped his shoulder, saying that "He's coming, he's coming!" The guard yelled at them, commanding then to stop. Ilha turned to me again and winked, he starts the motor and take their leave. The guard tailing behind them.

"You scoundrels! Stop right their!" The guard yelled out, raising his hand in the air with a stick. " You're dead when I catch you!" He added.

We continued to follow them with our eyes until...


"What happened?"

"Oh, my gosh!"

"My goodness."

"Isn't that a wig?"

"Its a wig" one of the girls confirmed that made all of us laugh.

I couldn't stop my self from chuckling beacuse, imagine seeing someones hair fall down. I was so busy glacing outside that i didn't noticed Jangsoo was staring at me the whole time. Smiling.

"Yah, yah, yah, yah, is the smell still there?"

I was about to walk back inside and smell it my self when Jang soo put a hand on my shoulder, a gesture for me to stop. He smelled the air inside the room and turned to me and smiled. He gave me a thumbs up which indicates that its all clear.

I walked back to my sit and noticed everyone starting to take their own seats.

Another short update guys! Please fo not forget to vote and comment your suggestions! Lovelots and stay safe!💗


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