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We entered a room that used to be a classroom. It was basically a dorm but with less privacy. There are exactly either beds. They also provided us a big table at the center of the room. I choose the spot near the window at the very back.

All of us began to unpack some of our things. After a few minutes pf unpacking I took out my novel ang began to walk towards Nara, Ae-sol and class president.

I sat down on a bed next to Ae-sol. They are playing cards. I also noticed how messy the table is. These girls are messy and chaotic.

The girls are talking pictures of one another, eating chips, and doing makeup. Except Bora who is busy with her tablet.

"Do you wanna join us?" President asked while looking at me.

"No thanks, I'll read" I refused, raising the book in my hands.

They said ok and continued playing. Few seconds of reading Hana called for our attention.

"Hey, hey, everyone..." Everyone looked at her. "What are personal firearms by the way?" She asked, obviously clueless about it.

"I don't know."

"Don't know."

I signed and put my book down. "Your own gun, idiot." They looked at me ang Hana smiled at me sweetly.

"Oh, she said they're gun." As she sat down on a chair.

They continued to examine the pictures that they took a while ago while the rest continued to mine they're own business.


"It came out really nice."

"Ill take alot of pictures of you."

Since they are so busy, they failed to notice the female soldier walking in.

"Attention." She said while her hands is on her hips. The girls continued talking as if she didn't exist.

"Attention!" She repeated, only this time a lot louder. I looked at the three people playing cards and nodding my head towards the soldier to indicate that it would be better if they hide the cards.

They realized what i was trying to say and quickly covered the cards with a blacket. But because of the sudden movement soilder turned to them and saw a glimpse of the card.

"You little brats! Do you think you are in a camping trip? Listen carefully now. Submit all the items that are not needed in the barracks to the front this right moment." She pointed the place infront of the board.

"What is this?" The soldier asked while holding the pink teddy bear. Soonyi quickly tried to grab her tebby bare out of the soldiers grasp but the soldier simply pulled her hands out of reach.

"Straighteners, toys, lipstick foundation, perfumes, foundation! Lipstick! These brats! Cigarettes? Hurry it up you brats!!" She shouted causing the students to rush and put there unessesary items infront. Only i remained seated since i didn't bring anything unessesary with me.

Moments later Kimchi poked his head out of the door saying that we have to shoot a small clip of video to send to our parents.

It was already my turn so i made my way towards the room where we are going to record.

"Hi." I greeted Kimchi who is fixing the camera at the moment. He turned to me and smiled sweetly.

"Hi, have a seat. Are you ready?" He said and i replied saying i am. I watch him press something and told me that its recording already.

"Hello mom and dad. I miss you guys already even though i just got here. The place where we are staying is not super comfortable but I'll manage. Please dont skip any meals, i know you guys can take care of yourself since you guys are already old.
Just kidding, i know few days from now mom is probably gonna cry cuz i know she'll miss me so please be with her. I love you guys and take care."
After that i looked at Kimchi. He is also looking at me, watching me talk to the camer. I raised my thumbs up indicating that i am already done.

"O, yeah. That's great. I see you're close with your parents." He said while tapping something on the camera.

"Uhmm, yeah, pretty much yeah."

After that we are told to go to the field to collect out personal guns. Me and Kimchi made our way down stairs and coping up with everyone.

They told us to form a line and i somehow ended up behind Yeonghoon. Looking at the students, i realized there aren't many people who signed the consent form.

"Yeonghoon, do you wanna be the record keeper?" Kimchi asked him. I didn't wanna listen to their conversation but i its not like i could block the noises.

"Having extra credits doesn't make any difference to me. But each points matter to you right?"

"Well... Well" as he was about to continue when they heard a harsh voice.

"Yah! Kimchi. Platoon Leader told you to do it. Stop bothering him and just do it yourself." Ilha harshly pushed Kimchi in his chest that made him stumble back. I don't know whats gotten in Ilha's mind, he always likes to pick a fight between him and Yeonghoon.

"Yah, why don't you go back to your line and mind your own business." I enterfered the conversation because i dont want another fight to happen because that means we have to stand here, under the sun longer.

Ilha turned to me but didn't say anything. He looked at Yeonghoon and shook his head in disgust before making his way to his line.

"Shout out your firearm numbers when you get yours. Understood?" The Platoon Leader said.

No one answered so he asked again harshly this time.

"I'll asked one more time, understood?"


After few minutes they started handing each persons with a gun .

"Trainee number 3, Kim Deokjoong! Recieved firearm 701303!" He was the only one who actually shouted. He looks so excited the gun. The Platoon looked at him blankly ang said "Next."

Doekjoong walked away while looking at his gun. He looked like he's speaking but i couldn't hear him since i am far behind him. Suddenly he aim his gun to his left, then somewhere lower then to his back. Aiming his gun directly to Platoon Leader.

"Who said you could fool around with a firearm!?" He said angerly causing everyone around him to flinch.

"Im sorry." Deokjoong looks so scared, i mean Platoon Leader is intimidating but not for me. Deokjoong ran off in embarrassment.

"How could they trust us and give us guns?" Youngshin asked while fixing his eyeglasses.

"I know." Jangsoo replied, he looked at his surrounding and spots me looking at him. He checked around him, he looks like he is  confirming if i am indeed looking at me. I smiled at him and waved my hands and return my glace in front.

its finally my turn, i am so excited to receive my gun.

Platoon looked down at me and handed me the gun.

"Trainee No. 7 Jang Aira! Recieved Fire arm 701460." I looked up again to meet my eyes and he sent me a small nod.

I walked away analyzing the gun in my hands. I've always wanted to own one. I know how to use them very well since every time i get frustrated about something i love going to a firing range few miles away from here. They taught me different kind of guns, how to use them and many more.

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