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Ms. Park entered the room. Few of the students greet her, while others are busy with their own business.

Ms. Park saw Deokjoong leaning his arm on the teachers table while eating a bag of chips.

"Is it delicious?" The teacher asked with a tiny bit of sarcastic tone.

Deokjoong almost choke on his chips when he realized Ms. Park caught him. "My goodness!" He exclaimed in shock. He quickly ran to his seat and everyone began to go back to their own chairs.

"Attention" Ms. Park tried to get the attention of each and every students in the room. But not everyone is listening to her. She began to slam her hands on her table repeatedly. "Quite, everyone!" She succeed to get the attention of the students.


i placed my chin on my hands, feeling bored.

"I have a gift for all of you today." Ms. Park said.

Everyone one began to clap and a series of 'owww' can be heard. They begin cheering thinking its a goodnews.

"Mock exam results from September." As soon as they heard that their shoulder dropped and realeased a disappointed sound.

"There is one more gift." The teacher quickly added.
"I'll hand it out according to the scores." Everyone began to protest, majority of them didn't like the idea of the teachers handing the results based on scores.

I leaned to my seat, im not nervous. I know i did a good job answering questions.


"Miss Park!"

"That's too harsh"

"You can't do that"

'They are acting that Ms. Park is about to do something illegal.' I said in my mind.

"Silence, silence, silence!" Ms. Park began shouting when the students didn't listen to her.

"Come out one by one when I call out your name. First of... First place in our class and our school..." She looked at us students before she looked at her hands. "Ohh." The teacher exclaimed in shock. "We have a tie here, very good Young Hoon and Jang Aira"

Shock is an understatement. I am bewildered. I know I did a pretty good job answering the questions but I didn't expect to be the first in the classroom and in the WHOLE SCHOOL!I stand up, still confused and not being able to register evrything yet. Everyone is shock but they began to clad loadly. Some of them are shouting including Taeman, Hui Rak and Ilha. I flashed them a greatfull smile and began to walk towards Ms. Park. I saw Yeong Hoon doing the same and when he catch my eyes and smile at me fondly.

Smilling is not on his vocabulary so I was confused but I smiled at him too and made my way back to my seat. I looked at the paper at my hand and saw that i got a perfect score. I looked up and saw Jangsoo smilling at me proudly, he sent me a thumbs up which made me chuckle a little.

"Second is Yeongsoo." Ms. Park continued to give the results.

"Third place is Yoo Jung." Ms. Park called the President and evryone give her an applause.



"Jangsoo." The teacher called him and I smiled at him and also give him a thumbs up.

'Wah! This girl is so cute! I could literally squeeze her cute cheeks.' Jangsoo state in his mind.

Ms. Park continued to hand in the results until there is only two papers left.

"Alright, two last places tied. The grand finale."

"Gosh, Lets protect the last placers!" Hui Rak spoke loadly. Followed by Ilha agreeing with him.

"Protect what? There just these two?" The teacher said with a tone of as-a-matter-of-fact.

"Ilha and Hui Rak, hurry up and come out." The teacher said while waiving the papers in the air.

The mentioned guys looked at each other and laughs, they copied from each others answers even tho they both dont know the answer. Ironic isn't?

They stood up and clapped their hands. Almost commanding everyone to do the same.

"What's there to clap for?" The teacher asked.

The boys walked towards her, acting cool and bothering some students as they walk past.

The both bow to Ms.Paek after she handed them the papers with a 0 score on it.

They thanked her and made their way to their seat.

Half way walking, Ilha suddenly stopped. The attention is on him now. He looked to Yeongjoo from his paper. He stared at him for a few seconds then without saying anything, he kicked Younghooon's bag. It landed at the very back of the room, in front of the locker.

"Yah! The two of you!" The teacher quickly interfaced.  She was about to say something when the speaker turn on and a voice can be heard.

"To all the teachers inside the school building, everyone, please come to the administration office." The voice said and then It was gone.
" Repeating one more time. To all the teachers inside the school building, everyone, please come to the administration office." The teacher released a sigh and dismissed the students.

"Make sure to get ready for clases" she said before walking out.

I saw how Yeongjoo looked at Ilha who's busy looking at his paper in hands.

"Everyone turn in your phones!" Ugh ofc she's not gonna forget about that, but anyways im not giving my phone.

Posting chapter 5 later!💗


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