4. Author- @Satrajiti012

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Abhimanyu was just waiting for nightfall to sneak out from his room. Avoiding the eyes of numerous guards and maids, he headed towards the room of his love only to find Revati's handmaid sitting there like an owl guarding the room. Frustrated, Abhimanyu banged his head against a pillar dramatically.

"Why only me? Is she gifted with magical powers to stay awake or what? The only villain in my love," he huffed angrily, and went on searching another way to see his Sashi.

Estimating the position of Vatsala's room, he finally stood looking at a balcony filled with creepers of white flowers around. He was left with no other way than reaching her from the balcony. He heaved out a sigh, picked up a little stone, and threw it inside the balcony.

Vatsala was startled by the arrival of the stone from nowhere. She was also waiting to find out some way to sneak out to meet Abhimanyu, but her plans were terribly spoiled by that old handmaid.

"Who can even dare to throw stones at my room? Here I am dying with my stuffs of worries, and people are playing with me. Who the hell is that?" Vatsala stormed towards the balcony with her rants.

She was elated to see Abhimanyu there.

"Bhava!" Her face grew brighter.

"Come down, let's go," he urged.

"Where? Impossible! Champa is right outside. If she finds me going out, she would complain to my mother, then she would kill me for sure. I won't come," Vatsala refused.

"Will you come down, or shall I come there?" Abhimanyu asked sternly, tying his angavastra around his waist.

"No no, wait. Don't be that stubborn, Bhava," Vatsala pouted.

"I don't have wings, Bhava. How should I come down? Shall I jump or what?" she scolded him.

"Jump down, I will catch you," he said.

"No, I don't believe you," she refused again. Abhimanyu was pissed off.

"You've got sarees or curtains over there. Use that and come down now. Or else, I am coming up, that's all," he declared.

Vatsala stamped her feet and pulled out a nice saree of hers and tied it to the railings of the balcony and climbed down from her room with its help. Abhimanyu then caught her waist and safely landed her on her feet. Vatsala sighed.

"All because of that Champa. This old sparrow!" she huffed.

Abhimanyu rolled his eyes and caught her wrist. "We are getting late," he dragged her with him. It was a full moon day, and on this day, Abhimanyu and Vatsala would meet each other and spend time together watching the moon.

"It has been two weeks since we met. Do you even bother about that? No, you are worried about Champa only," Abhimanyu scolded as they reached an isolated Parnashala.

"Relax now. Will you keep wasting time with these stuffs now?" Vatsala embraced him.

Abhimanyu smiled and hugged back. They sat down facing each other, Vatsala tried her best to hide her blush. Both sat watching the moon, which peeped through those slender branches.

"Full moon is beautiful, Sashi, but his appearance when he peeps out like this is more than beautiful," he said and looked at Vatsala, who smiled at him. He moved her curls away from her forehead and planted a soft kiss.

"Show some shy or blushing gesture, Shashi! I love to see that," Abhimanyu pouted.

"After the wedding," Vatsala pecked his fluffed cheeks.

Abhimanyu frowned and opened the sac, which was clinging to his waist, and pulled the board of Chowka bara. Vatsala smiled, and they sat playing that game of dice.

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