Chapter 20

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I've always felt welcomed in the hockey community, I mean I've been in it since I was born. I've attended hockey games my whole life, my childhood revolved around the sport and since Dad retired I've continued to show my love for the franchise. But recently, I've been getting a vibe that I'm not welcome anymore, not by the Devils but by the teenage girls.

I've been getting shit on left and right by these girls, like damn my ex already told me to kill myself not you too. For them, I think it was fun seeing a musician at a hockey game but now that I'm being seen with them outside of games they've drawn the line with me. 


Posted by @welovehughesy

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Posted by @welovehughesy

@welovehughesy: you're kidding right...

@jacklover13: IS THAT JOSIE LEE? AND JACK???

@welovehughesy: yes.. they were seen at a bar after the game

@hischierangel: NICO WAS THERE TOO!☝🏼 NOT A DATE!!

@welovehughesy: still I don't like that she's hanging out with them...

^@jacklover13: FR! like what do they even talk about

^@imsurethatiwouldlikeher:  HOCKEY???😭😭GIRL BE SO FR RN! her dad is literally a retired Devil...

@welovehughesy: really?

^@imsurethatiwouldlikeher: YES😭😭😭  quit shitting on my girl!

@merchughischier00: idk, seems like a puck bunny to me.. she needs to stay her hoe ass away from them.

I've never ever in my life been called a puck bunny, and I would love to tell them to shut the fuck up but my manager wouldn't be fond of that. My manager Marj, short for Marjorie is like a mother to me, and pissing her off terrifies me. So I guess the best thing to do for now is to stay quiet. 

I can be the kind of person to stay quiet if something is said about me, but if you hate on anyone around me, I'm going to war. The day Marj came into my dressing room red in the face, when I ended this rando on Twitter for shitting on my brother's band. Now that bitch should've stayed quiet is all I'm saying. 

But I feel like at a certain point I have to stand up for myself so the people around me know that I'm not going to let disrespect slide and that I am a human being with feelings. I guess I'll just have to give Marj a heads-up after I put people in their places. Beg for forgiveness not permission!

With all this fire I'm under with these teenagers, tonight is not going to be a good night for them. I'm meeting Trevor tonight after the game, and I can just feel the hateful comments I'll get tonight. I'll try not to let it bother me while I'm there but this feels like being disrespected in my own home. 

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