Chapter 57

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Tonight the boys are coming over to take Jack out for his Bachelor party. There's only a few more days until our wedding and I'm so excited. What I'm not excited about is Jack leaving, which probably sounds so annoying but Mere is in Vancouver settling down so I'm stuck by myself tonight. My bachelorette party was a few days ago and I had so much fun. 

But when I was dropped off at home I ran right up to Jack and laid on him until I felt that we could go upstairs to our room. I spent the night getting wasted and dancing with all my girlfriends. If a guy came near me I'd flash them my ring and show them pictures of Jack. That's drunk and in love Josie for you. According to Mere one of the guys stuck around for a whole presentation about Jack. I gave the guy a whole lecture!

Proud Fiancé 

I watch Jack get ready from our bed, he throws on a button-up with some jeans and side-eyes me from the bathroom. "Can I help you, my love? He chuckles, walking over to me to place multiple kisses on my face. "Just admiring you," I giggle, as he gets on top of me tickling me with sweet, loving pecks. His phone starts ringing and he picks it up, "Hey baby," Jack answers. Trevor... Biggest cockblock of the century.

Trevor screams into the phone, having zero awareness of how loud he is. "I'm outside, so get your ass out here so we can party!" He yells, making Jack laugh. "Alright, I'll be out soon," he hangs up on his friend. Jack grabs his keys, wallet, and phone before hovering over me to kiss my lips. "I'll be back tonight, don't wait up," he mumbles before pecking my lips. 

"I'll do whatever I want," I tease, making him chuckle. "I'll miss you, I probably sound so pathetic, huh? Can't go a few hours without you," He says, but I shake my head. "Not pathetic, anything but that. I love it," I kiss him one more time before smacking his butt and telling him to go before Trevor knocks on the door.

Jack runs down the stairs, locking the door on his way out before meeting up with his friends. 


I'm currently sitting in a limousine Trevor rented for the occasion and as grateful as I should be I just wish I was home with my fiancée. There's nothing I want more than to be cuddled up with her on our couch or in bed. "Jack!" Trevor snaps his fingers in my face. "I miss Josie too, but quit being mopey and enjoy tonight. She'd want you to enjoy yourself, to an extent." he wags his finger in my hand. As if I'd ever do anything to that extent. 

"You're right, man, I'm sorry. Thank you for all of this!" I pat Trevor on the back as he pours everyone a shot of Tequila. "To Jack!" Cole yells, "To Jack!" Everyone else yells, making me smile. We take back our shots, scrunching up our faces as the liquid stings my throat and makes my chest feel warm. I don't know how Josie does it. 

We get to our first club of the night and the minute we walk in there's a huge sign that says "Happy Bachelor Party Jack!" It's surrounded by bright lights, and as soon as everyone else notices they cheer and pull out their phones to record the sign and me. We follow the sign to a booth with a few bottles of alcohol. Tons to choose from. 

I take another shot this time I pick whiskey, as 'Bottoms Up' comes on, making Alex and I laugh so hard reminding us about a time we rapped this entire song in the locker room before a game during our NTDP days. "My vision's blurred!" I rap as Alex says the words in between, "C'mere!" "My words slurred! I start dying laughing when Alex raps Nicki's verse without slipping up. 

Alex points to me and our friend group as he says, "I'm with a bad bitch, he's with his friends!" Trevor pulls his phone out, already too drunk for his own good, so I down another two shots to match his level. It is my bachelor party after all. I should be the drunkest. 

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