Chapter 22

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"I miss you," Jack says in bed next to me, running his fingers through my hair. "Jack, baby I'm right here," I tell him, scooting closer to him before swinging my leg over him. I swivel my hips down on him, trying to work some of this pent-up sexual tension. He smiles, gripping my hips as he takes the initiative to get us off. 


I wake up trying to wish the knocking away, but the harder I squeeze my eyes shut the more the knocking goes on. I face my annoyance and pull some pants on before I shuffle to the door. I open the door to see a group of college boys at my door with pans and ingredients.

"Oh thank god you're awake!" Ethan smiles, pushing past me to get inside my room. I get a few 'good mornings' as they pile in, Luke coming in last, hugging me. "Guys, it's 7:00 am," I try my best to reason with them but Rutger responds with, "And practice is at 9:00, so let's make breakfast!" He says loudly, clearly being a morning person. 

I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up before I start making them breakfast. I hear another knock on the door, and I try my best not to groan. "Marky!" Ethan smiles, giving him a bro hug before he walks over to me. "Jack sent me your coffee order," He hands me a coffee, then hugs me. "You're a lifesaver, Estapa," I tell him while turning to tie my hair up. 

I whip up almost four times what I usually make, flipping pancakes at lightning speed. The boys play a game of rock paper scissors to figure out who gets the first pancake. "Rock, paper, scissors, fuck!" Frank says, losing to Luke. I place the pancake on Luke's plate as the rest of the guys mean mug him.

I make each boy five pancakes, and they practically vacuum it up with their mouths. "Duke, can you quit moaning?" Luke gives him a weird look, as Duke moans even louder as he scarfs down his breakfast. Luke rolls his eyes, shoving Duke over before cleaning up all the plates. 

Thirty minutes before practice the boys start getting ready to race out of my hotel room to run to their cars. "Thank you, Josie. That was the best breakfast I've ever consumed. I feel like a champion!" Rutger says, before shaking me in front of him. Each boy hugs me, thanking me before walking out of my room. 

I lock the door grabbing my phone before jumping back on my bed. I scroll through my contacts to find Jack's name and press the call button. I listen to the ringing before it cuts off and I hear his voice. "Hi gorgeous," I can practically hear his smile in the way he speaks to me. I bite my lip to contain the giddiness oozing out of me.

"Hi handsome, how are you?" I ask just wanting to know more about how he's doing. I could listen to this boy talk all day. I wanna hear his honey-like voice for the rest of my days. I will say that hearing his voice and not being about to reach out and touch him is awful and makes me miss him more. I'll see him tomorrow Josie, quit being needy. 

I tell him about how welcoming the boys are and how they treat me like they've known me for years. "But I will say, I was slightly annoyed this morning because they interrupted my sex dream with you." I giggle, muttering out the last part of that sentence. He chuckles softly before saying, "You know babe, for a girl who is crazy in bed, you get so shy speaking about it to me. The man you have sex with." 

He makes me so nervous but half of the reason is that Brendan used to use how I was in bed against me. If I asked him to spank me or tie me up he'd make fun of me afterward, or even tell his friends so they could make fun of me. But I must remind myself Jack is not Brendan and I am much safer with Jack than with my ex-boyfriend. 

He talks to me until it's his time to go to practice, and he reminds me how beautiful and cared for I am before hanging up. "Bye sweet boy, I'll see you tomorrow." I drop my phone onto the comforter, trying to get a nap in before I take an Uber to the rink for the second game against Wisconsin.

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