Chapter 21

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"Hey, why don't we go to one of Luke's games?" I ask him, as he runs his fingertips up and down my arm in a soothing matter. He sighs softly, staring at the ceiling, "I wish I could, but honestly, every time I go, I get treated like a celebrity, making Luke uncomfortable." He looks down at me, after saying that. "Oh okay, well I want to go, "I tell him wanting to be more a part of Jack's life, including those around him. 

He smiles softly before pressing his lips to my forehead. "Okay," is all he says before he takes a deep breath then says, "You have such a good heart, Josie. It's one of my favorite things about you." He tells me making me warm and fuzzy inside, now that that's settled I cuddle myself into him, drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next few days after that conversation I start planning my trip to Michigan, first asking Luke if me going is something he's okay with. I shoot him a quick message, slightly nervous for his response. 

Josie: Hey, would it be cool if I came to one of your games?

Me! Hater 〽️: Omg that'd be sick! I'd really appreciate it

Josie: Okay yay! Send me your schedule 

Once I settle on what was scaring me the most, I start looking for flights that align with his schedule. He has a Friday and Saturday game next week both in Michigan, and I know I want to see him more than once, so I'll go to that one and watch him play before he goes over to play for the Devils. 

I send my flight info to both Luke and Jack, just so we're all on the same page. Luke responds with the confetti effect on Imessage, and Jack responds with a red heart and 'I'll take you there.' I'm excited to go to Luke's game especially if his family isn't usually able to go because they're well-known.

The day before my flight, I run through my checklist of items I need to bring, mentally checking it off when I know for sure it's in my suitcase. Right as I finish that list, I snap my head in the direction of knocking on my door. 

Jack had said he wanted to spend some time with me before I left for Michigan, so I prance over to the door opening it up to see my beautiful boyfriend. "Hi gorgeous," He smiles, pulling me into a hug, walking us into my house, and closing the door behind us. "Hi back," I mutter into his ear as he squeezes me tightly.

"All packed?" He asks, looking at my suitcase against the wall. "Yep, I'm excited," I tell him, as we make our way to the couch. "What do you want to do?" He asks, pressing his cheek into his fist, staring at me with a sparkle in his eye. We could paint, watch tv, or make some food, but instead, a better idea pops into my head. 

"Uhh, can I show you something?" I smile at him and lead him into my music room. His smile grows the minute he walks in, taking in all my instruments. "Wow, sometimes I forget how many instruments you play, you're so cool." He says still in awe. "I can teach you one of them, I don't know how you'd feel about this, but you'd look pretty sexy with an electric guitar. And I mean you already have fast fingers." I smirk at him, causing him to bite his lip and pull me against him.

"I'd love to learn, especially if you're teaching me." He leans in meshing our lips together in a heated kiss, but I pull away so I don't get distracted from what I was trying to show him. "Baby, I want to play you something I'll kiss you later." I tease him, but he steals one more kiss before sitting in my spinny chair. 

"But I take it as a compliment, you make me really nervous. What are you doing to me now? What are you doing to me now? You came out of the blue like that, you came out of the blue like that. I never could've seen you coming, I think you're everything I've wanted." I sing to him, not once looking up from my guitar.

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