Chapter 31

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Since Stagecoach I've stayed away from Jack just like Marj asked me to. Well publicly. He still comes over and we have little dinner dates and sleepovers, but other than that I haven't been seen with him or anyone in relation to him. Whenever the boys miss me, we meet at someone's house and don't post anything.

But since my album is almost done and I'm positive I want to tour Marj has arranged a list of venues I could play at and has set up tours of the venues for me. We've only talked about it briefly but I think I want to tour Europe first, then North America. She gave me a physical list of things I have to figure out before I release my album and announce a tour. 

"Hey Rowdy," I say, looking up at him from his lap. "Yeah baby," He answers, tearing his eyes off the screen to look down at me. "Would you come to Europe with me, to tour a few venues?" He smiles down at me, blowing a small laugh out through his nose before saying, "Can't go a few days without me, eh?" I roll my eyes, grumbling a "Nevermind," before turning away from him.

"Babe, of course, I'll go. If anything I'm the one who can't go a few days without you," He holds my hands up to his lips to press kisses on them. With that settled I feel a little more at peace knowing I'll have my emotional support human with me.

Jack and I get to our first stop in Europe, trying our best to conceal our identities so we don't get spotted. Wicklow, Ireland. I'm in awe the minute we start driving around, looking out the window like a curious child. I look away when I hear Jack chuckling to himself. I find him holding his phone up taking pictures of me.

I smile at him, liking the fact that he thought I was picture worthy. Pictures mean so much to me because they capture memories; if it's a happy memory, I never want to forget it. "What all are we doing today, gorgeous?" He asks, taking my chin in his hand, and playing with my bottom lip. "Well we just have to tour the venue, and then maybe we could find a secluded beach and have a picnic there."

He awards me with a toothy smile making me happy I even suggested that idea. "That sounds great, baby. Really cute idea," He takes a second to peck my lips before concentrating on the road in front of us. I love you, I love you, I love you. When will I finally tell you?

The minute we pull in the size of the building gives me the heeby jeebies. We walk inside being met with a few staff members who will be helping us today. "Hello I'm Margot, I'll be helping you out today," She smiles, extending her hand out to me. "Hi, I'm Josie, this is my boyfriend, Jack." I give her a big smile. God, it feels so good saying that. 

"So this venue can take up to 5,000 people," Our tour guide says, walking us around the big building. I nod my head to show her I'm following along with all the information she's throwing at me. I step on the stage, trying to get a feel for what it would be like to perform here. Even though the exterior made me doubtful, I enjoy the energy this place gives. "If you need anything else just call for me," She says before walking away leaving Jack and me to talk on the couch. 

"What do you think?" He asks me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Well I can't think on an empty stomach," I joke, "I'm hungry too," he gasps, content we had the same thought. I chuckle against his lips, looking at my map app to see what's around. 

I scroll through the options and see a family-owned restaurant I love going to whenever I'm in Wicklow. "Ooh, you have to try this place, it's my favorite," I tell Jack, scooting closer to him to show him the menu. I order on the phone so I can just pick it up in a few minutes. 

"Are you sure you want to pick it up?" Jack asks me, holding my head close to his chest. "Yeah, I wanna see the owners, they're sweet," I tell him, letting him stay at the venue while I walk to the restaurant only four minutes away. I get up from the couch, grabbing my wallet to leave but Jack holds onto my hips keeping me close to him.

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