Chapter 29: Delay

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Two days have passed and today was the last day id visit tengen unless i changed my mind. He said hed be leaving for a mission today but i said that today its best if i only stayed for a little and early in the morning so he has some time to get ready. Ive spent most of the day cleaning and making food and talking with mitsuri as i did. When mitsuri left i went into my office and decided to do my job, i began experimenting on certain things and cleaned my blade and the case,  I put in a different poison. Once that was done the sun was starting to go down when there was a knock on the door. I walked over to open it and to my surprise a kakushi member stood there with three katanas in hand. I tilted my head while smiling

"Mm? Whats the meaning of this?"-s

"Well shinobu-sama is... hashira y/n L/n here? Or aoi kanzaki here?"-

"No they are not"

My eyes shifted from the kakushi to the blades observing them closely. I knew immediately that it was y/n's and aoi's

"Well maam...umm they left the village a few days ago. I expected then to be back already, there are other kakushi members waiting outside in your entrance as we speak ready to return their other belongings"-

"Mm i see, well lets walk over there then."-s

"Ah, yes shinobu-sama"-

The kakushi stepped aside and i walked out of the room, i closed the door and walked ahead as they followed behind me. A million thoughts were running through my head, wondering what happened to those two. Once we arrived at the entrance of the estate the other kakushi held different objects in their hands. And all these objects seemed to be the most important thing to the world to y/n, and aois katana in the hand of the other kakushi seemed unexplainable. They would never leave any of these things behind, i turned to look straight at the kakushi whom held the katanas.

"Are they dead?"-s

"I...hope not. Truth be told, we ran into them when the battle had just ended. Y/n was severely wounded, aois was desperate to get help and in doinf so she suggested to bring y/n here. A demon, he offered- well...more like aoi convinced the demon to bring her and y/n here. Im not entirely sure if they are alive or dead"-

"Mm alright...well go ahead and leave their things in my office then, ill lead the way. While we walk in that direction tell me how bad their situation was"-s

"Yes maam"-

The kakushi took one step to the side allowing me to walk ahead once again and then they followed. The kakushi with the katanas spoke as we walked to my office

"The situation was quite clear, they were in need of help and fast. Y/n had suffered a.. sever but not so severe strike to the stomach. It seemed like in the front she was stabbed, it seemed quite thick to be a sword or katana. The demon must have probably stabbed her with their bear hand, but it didnt go through her body. We wouldnt even go as far to say that it went thriugh half her body, but i could be wrong. She had multiple scratches and she had been pierced multiple times as well in different areas. But i think what was concerning was the poison in her body from the demon. It made her blood turn orange, clearly not a good sign. We gave her as much medical care as we could before the other demon and aoi took her, they said theyd bring her here since you, shinobu kochou, would be the only one able to save her. And we have not seen them since"-

We arrived at the office and i could not speak a word. I opened the door and looked at them, stepped in and guided them in. I showed them where to leave y/n and aoi's belongings. They set them down with care before bowing and allowing themselves out. The kakushi holding the katanas set them on the table before bowing and spoke

"I hope their alright, im sure their bound to be. They will be back soon, but until then. We will be searching for them, we must also follow protocol and therefore we must report this to the master. We must get going now but have a good day shinobu-sama"-

"Thank you, have a good day."-s

They walked right out and closed the door as soon as they finished talking, i sat down on my chair once i looked through the window to check that they were all gone. I began to fidget with the pencil on the desk, how irritating this all was to me. Now how am i supposed to react. What do i do if those two actually end up dead somewhere. What do i tell the girls, besides if they are dead their might not be a confirmation considering the demon would eat them leaving nothing. This is bad, and i cant leave the girls alone here. For now im just going to wait this out, i cant think irrationally about all of this, besides ill have to hope that their alive and one their way here, kakushi is out looking for them as well. It would be best not to engage in anything irrational.

My attention was caught when there was a knock on the door, i stood up and walked over to open it before it opened all on its own. The girls were one the otherside and threw themselves on to me crying, startled i patted their heads and wiped off their tears for them

"Whats wrong?"-s

"The man from the room that was hurt started yelling at us! And then he threw the plate at us!"-(k)iyo

"And then- and then he said we were just idiots!"-(n)aho

"And then he even threw us out of the room! And now hes in the infirmary room by himself with the others!"-(su)mi

I let out a sigh as i looked at the floor, i took a deep breath and then let it out. I looked back up smiling at them

"Dont worry girls, hes going to be sent to a different place to take care of him"-s

I called for my crow and immediately flew over in my direction.

"Please call sanemi, tell him its urgent"-s

"Caw! Ofcourse shinobu!"

"Thank you"-s

It flew right out of the window and i told the girls to follow me out of the room. I closed the door once i was out and i walked them to my room and they sat with me as i did their hair in different hair styles to help them forget what that man did. I asked them which man and how he looked, the description was clear and i knew immediately who it was. I told them that i would handle it and that everything would be fine.

A few minutes passed and sanemi had arrived. Calling out for me through the hallways i told the girls to stay in the room as i stepped out. I called out for sanemi and we finally met eachother

"Whats wrong?"-sa

"I have a bit of a situation and this man needs to be escorted out"-s

"Seriously, anooying as hell. Cant they just behave in someone elses home? Their nothing but insignificant pieces of-"-sa

"Sanemi, lets minimize the foul language okay? Follow me, id deal with it myself but im scared ill probably do more bad then good"-s

"I can handle him"-sa

I lead him to the room and opened the door, the man that the girls described was on his bed before looking at us. He scoffed and rolled his eyes and then spoke

"You hashiras are so full of yourselves, you all think that your so special. The pillars of the demon slayer corps. You dont do shit, when my squad needed your help and you all got them massacred by not arriving and when you did you were too late."-

"Thats too bad, now your leaving this estate becau-"-sa

"Sure take me! Id rather much be anywhere else then in this estate! Its bullshit! Ive lost all respect for you assholes! Your supposed to help us! Why havent you helped us!"-


Sanemi walked on over and grabbed him by his arm and pulled him out of the room. He kept on bragging about how we dont help and we do nothing, it really got under my skin. Sanemi simply waved goodbye to me before leaving the estate entirely, i waved back. I didnt want to speak or do anything because i know id probably go at it and wouldnt stop. Theres a lot on my mind and more keeps getting added, salt keeps getting added to the wound.

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