Chapter 5

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Jay was already waiting in his truck for me, so I climbed in. We then went to the cafe. I sat down at a round table while Jay ordered our drinks.

When he came back with my caramel frappe and his mocha I took mine and we walked back to the truck.

And I realized Jay hadnt talked to me all morning. I looked at him wondering what was wrong.



"Is everything alright? You havent said a word to me at all"

He sighed.

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing... I heard we're going to start projects in language arts class?"

"Ugh, already. Do we at least get to choose partners? I'd hate to have to work with someone who expects me to do all the work and share the credit."

"I think we do."

"So, do you know what it has to be about?"

"I think its our choice as long as we do a good job and actually research things about our topic. So it can't be anything too easy, that we'll already know everything about."

"I think that plan will backfire, knowing most of the people at our school they will finish the project the night before with hardly any research done on it."

"Says the Queen of Procrastination,"

He chuckled. And continued...

"You practically define the word altogether."

I laughed.

"What can I say, it's what I do best."

I replied with a smirk plastered on my face. 

He playfully bowed his head in respect of my royal prescence and kissed my hand. And with my free hand I shoved him from me.

He then opened my door for me still continuing his charade and gestured for me to get in. I then rolled my eyes at his foolishness and climbed in.

He ran over to his side and jumped in with ease.

The drive to school was about 20mins. The radio was on and we sat quietly sipping our drinks. While we listened to renegade by paramore.

I looked into the car mirror and applied a little eyeliner and a touch of mascarra to make my sterling silver/gray eyes pop out. I also swiped my baby lips chapstick over my full plump lips. 

Then I was officially done.

We pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the car. After I gathered my things from the truck we walked up the steps to Kingsley High. I took a few more sips from my frappe then threw it in the trash can.

I followed Jay to our seats at a round table that we'd always sat at since freshmen year. This was where we first met.


I was fidgeting with my fingers, I couldn't help but wonder what Megan would have in store for me this year but then again we weren't in middle school anymore it wasn't her turf. She was just a freshman now, like me, for all I know the seniors could put her down. I hadn't even noticed someone walking up to me until he asked if he could sit down. I didn't reply to him but he sat down anyways to my dismay.

I looked up to the boy who had sat down. He had peircing blue eyes with just a hint of green in them, that could see right through you but they weren't cold and bitter like I'd expected them to be considering I thought Megan sent him to harass me, instead they held warmth. His hair was in a messy fit but still managed to look good.

"My name's Jay."

"Raven." I mumbled out.

"Hi Raven, I just moved here a few days ago..." Once he noticed I wasn't going to respond he tried to continue the conversation."Have you lived here long?"

"My whole life."

"Do you like it here?"

"I guess, it's okay."I continued with my short answers hoping he'd just go away.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Megan coming my way. So I looked down hoping she would change her direction. Unfortunately, she didn't.

"Hey, I'm Megan. You know if you want there's an empty seat you can have at our table. So you don't have to sit here with the likes of that freak"  

I looked up knowing my eyes would be met by her evil ones.

"I'm fine here, and I don't really think she could be a freak, unique maybe, but not a freak. And last I checked being unique isn't something to be made fun of or ashamed of."

His retort caught both Megan and I by surprise. This was the closest to anyone standing up for me when it came to Megan or quite frankly anything.

Megan just walked off without saying a word.

It took me a minute for me to realize I was staring at him with huge eyes. But then I pulled myself together and managed to speak.

"Thanks." I said I could speak but I guess only one word actually came out.

"No problem."

He smiled at me, and his eyes brightened up as he did. And ever since that morning I swore to my self that I would try to at least be friends with him, considering he probably got on Megan's bad side, for me who he barely met a few minutes ago. 

But in the end, the girl didn't care whether or not a guy was ever mean to her because she flirted with every single one either way.


Matt , Jays friend that actually liked hanging out with me, joined us at the table complaining already about having to wake up early.

But also I had to admit I didn't love having to wake up so early. Speaking of this morning I wonder why I had that dream. I haven't been having dreams in a while, so it was strange espeacially how I had no clue what that dream was about.

I had decided to give up on trying to figure it out when I overheard three girls from the table smiling and telling eachother about the dresses the were going to wear to the dance next friday. 

I remembered how Jay turned Megan down when she asked him to be her date. And I smiled to myself and also remembered he said he had plans...

"Hey, Jay what are you doing next friday, you said you had plans?" I interrupted the boys conversation without caring.

"umm I..."  

"He's coming with me to visit my cousin's in North Carolina." 

I kind of thought it was wierd how Matt finished Jay's sentence but figured it was Matt and Jays business not mine.

"Oh." I replied

"Yea, Jay and I haven't seen them in forever so its going to be great!"

"That's good"

*~*~*Author's Note*~*~*

Hey guys, tell me what you think about the little flashback and Matt. Exciting things are going to happen I can't wait til' you guys can read all the new shockers that will come up.  

Im trying to make my updates longer so slowly they'll get more lengthy.

Don't forget to Fan,Comment,&Vote!

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