VII. They Look Bleh

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   Chapter 7,
    They Look Bleh

 "Dustin loves Maya?" Andrea read the paper aloud that was stuck to her locker, Nicki laughed a little as she walked over to her locker only for it to have a paper stuck to it as well.

  "Oh damn it, Brandt loves Maya!" Nicki rolls her eyes as she grabs the paper from the locker and crumbles it up.

  So far the first day of school wasn't even bad, their classes were fine and they weren't even assigned any work, luckily. Maya and Anna walked out of their class, where they saw the papers and began to squeal.

 "They're going to absolutely crush her, aren't they?" Nicki asked as she closed her locker after getting the books she needed for next class out.

  Now don't get them wrong, they were sure that Brandt and Dustin were only being mean but they knew how Maya and Anna were. Those two were sure of anything, and if you try to convince them otherwise then you're only going to be left with anger. It didn't stop Nicki from turning around to walk over to them, getting ready to let them know what was probably going to go down.

  "Don't go over there, you'll get cursed out by dumb and dumber." Adrienne stated as she walked over to the two, she already knew what was going on.

  Nicki rolled her eyes playfully before they walked off to their next class, sometimes you just got to let people have their own experiences. It seems harsh but it needs to happen, that's how you live and learn.


 "God have you seen them? they're so ugly it hurts me." Charlie scoffed as she looked across the cafeteria, seeing the boys as they joked around.

  Nicki made a gagging sound as a joke before standing up from her table, grabbing her book bag.

 "I'm headed to the bathroom, would y'all care to join me?" Nicki asked, Andrea and Adrienne nodded their head before standing up from their seat, walking to the bathroom.

  They stopped by the locker, as Adrienne had a mirror inside of hers and everyone wanted to go check their appearances. Nicki grabbed her lip gloss and applied it before smiling, each girl looked gorgeous, and their outfits only enhanced their beauty even more. 

 "Brandt says yes!"

 "No I don't! Dustin says yes!"

  The sudden shouting caught the girls attention and they looked over to see Dustin and Brandt laughing as they spoke to Anna and Maya. Andrea furrowed her eyebrows while Nicki crossed her arms, Adrienne remained unfazed, all three of them knew this was going to happen.

 "UGIS!" they screamed in unison as they ran out of the cafeteria into the yard, leaving both Maya and Anna confused.

  Becca told the two girls what it meant and it seemed to have really hurt Maya's feelings, as she began to sob. Nicki shook her head in annoyance, how mean can middle school boys get? Just because your balls haven't dropped yet does not mean you get to take your frustrations out on other people.

  "Ugly boys, deserve ugly revenge." Nicki spoke as she turned around and looked at her two best friends.

  Something is about to change in their revenge book, and it is going to leave a nasty scar. Can't wait!

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