XVII. Kiss My Ass

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   Chapter 17,
    Kiss My Ass

  It was bring your dad to school day, the girls except Nicki brought their father, Nicki brought her older brother as her father was in the army, serving for their country. The topic wasn't a touchy one, she didn't care who brought it up, but she never really enjoyed talking about it. Adrienne automatically started to talk about Brandt and his father.

 "Can we stop this tom foolery for like two minutes?" Nicki asked as her friends began to laugh at the father-less jokes Adrienne kept spilling out.

 The only thing was, she wasn't trying to tell her friends to stop making jokes in a rude way, she kept laughing at the jokes while feeling bad. Adrienne took a breath, trying to stop her laughs from coming out but it only bubbled more in her throat, causing her to cackle even more. They were in the cafeteria for breakfast, dads were hanging around each other and just being dads.

 As the girls grabbed some breakfast and walked over to their usual table, they noticed Brandt and his friends. Adrienne had the best idea of getting up from her table, and walking over to the boys' table, causing the rest of the girls to follow right behind her.

 "Hey Brandt," Adrienne began, as she couldn't seem to hide the smirk that danced gracefully on her lips.

 Knowing where this was going, Andrea smiled wider, letting a couple of her teeth show.

 "What do you want?" Brandt asked, as he looked up at the girl, you could tell that he wanted to go straight home.

 He had a dad, but then he died, so today was obviously just a reminder of what he used to have, and it must be hard on him. Not that Adrienne gave a fuck, he was rude to her and her best friends which mean he deserves every bit of slander she had of him. 

 "It's bring your dad to school day, so uhm, where's your dad?" Adrienne snickered, causing Brandt to get up from him seat, balling his hands into a tight fist.

  "Fuck you, Adrienne." Brandt seethed as he began to walk out of the cafeteria, the joke was a bit fucked up and she knew it but then again, she didn't really care.

  "Kiss my ass, Johnson!" Adrienne shouted before walking back to her table, Nicki shook her head in disappointment as she followed behind her best friend.

  Once they sat down, Nicki wasted no time in leaning over to Adrienne and pinching her forearm very hard, which caused her to yelp out in pain. 

  "Sometimes it's okay to not make mean jokes, especially if you're going to tell the person you're making jokes about." Nicki muttered, she wasn't angry with her best friend but a little annoyed with her actions. 

  Then again, she did think some of the jokes were funny, but that was because they weren't said to his face. Adrienne only rolled her eyes playfully before pinching her best friend right back, before taking a sip from her apple juice. Her jokes might have been mean and very directed to Brandt but at least they were funny, and that's what truly matters.

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