VIII. Mission Is Now In Motion

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  Chapter 8,
   Mission Is Now In Motion

 It has been at least two weeks into the new school year, there were new additions to the plan, such as making sure at least one person cries from the boys' friend group, and making sure they feel humiliated the way the girls felt humiliated last year. It seems heartless but when you want to get revenge, you have to learn how to be heartless, and not think anything of it, as well as you cannot back down. Today was currently Sunday, and Davie was still thinking about what she heard over the summer, at the mall. Forgetting she never told her friends about what she overheard, she decided to call them and ask them to come over.

 Now if it was any other person, Davie wouldn't have told her friends about what she heard, but it was Brandt. Who really cares about Brandt's feelings? That was a trick question, nobody does and nobody ever will, it's the harsh truth.

 "The plan is now in motion, we start tomorrow, no negotiations." Andrea stated as everyone sat down, scattered around Davie's bedroom, setting her book bag beside the door.

 They have had more than enough time, coming up with different things to do and making sure their plan runs smoothly. Charlie grimaced at the thought of having to play Sam, he was sort of like an angel, a little stupid at times but he was always nice to her. 

 "Did y'all know that Brandt's dad died?" Davie suddenly blurted out, she had kept this in for so long that it was bond to come out sooner or later.

 Charlie's eyes widened at the information, she was sort of Brandt's best friend, but they grew apart after last year. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss him one bit, he made stupid jokes and theories but she felt happy with him, besides they were really close best friends.

 "Mr. Johnson died?" Charlie asked, she felt bad, Brandt was close to his dad so this had to have been hard on him.

  "Yeah, I overheard some girls talking about it when we went to the mall in the summer, I forgot to tell you." Davie admitted sheepishly, as she looked down at the ground, feeling bad for keeping this from them for almost two months.

 "Well this is great news, we can use it against him if he ever tries to act like a dick towards us. It'll shut him the fuck up." Nicki stated as she grabbed one of Davie's magazines, which she had lying in her corner.

 Charlie slapped Nicki's arm and shook her head, although her and Brandt weren't that close anymore, it does not mean they suddenly have the right to bring up something that must be hurting him so much. That would be such a low blow, even for them, so it's best if they just kept it between them.

 "Have some decorum, we are here to get our revenge, not to cause daddy issues." Adrienne stepped in, having Charlie's back.

  Charlie smiled at her and nodded her head, appreciating the fact that at least someone in her friend group, defended her. 

 "Stick to the plan, and if Brandt gets daddy issues then that's a bonus." Andrea smirks, Charlie rolled her eyes playfully before nodding her head in agreement.

  After that, Andrea took out the revenge notebook from her book bag, and left it in the middle for anyone to read over so they understood what they were going to do. The plan was officially in motion.

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