XXV. Wounds Are Now Healed

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   Chapter 25,
    Wounds Are Now Healed

 "I feel bad for creating the plan and I completely understand if you never want to see me ever again, Dustin." Andrea rehearsed her apology in front of the mirror, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tried to imagine his reaction, knowing it probably won't be a good one. 

  Once she got her apology down to the last word, she called her best friends and told them that they should meet at the park, and if there were any bad reactions they would be able to just head home. Andrea would be lying if she said her hands weren't shaking and her anxiety wasn't going through the roof as she dialed Dustin's phone number. He answered within the first ring, seeming as if he was very eager to hear from the girl.

  The weather was very nice, but it was also giving Andrea the worst thoughts ever, she thought she was going to be ruining this day if she came clean. Of course they were going to let the boys know that the plan is off and that their feelings are very real, but the thought of them not believing the girls was very scary. Thankfully though, when Andrea got there, her friends were there first, just waiting for both her and the boys.

  "Look it's better that we do this than let them find out on their own, we are doing the right thing, trust and believe." Nicki tried to comfort her best friend as she pulled her into a tight hug, while smiling.

  Right as they pulled away from their hug, the boys arrived and the anxiety returned, along with the thoughts of the boys not believing them. Nicki grabbed a hold of Andrea's hand and squeezed comfortingly, the other girls took a breath and knew it was truly going to be now or never. 

 "We have something to tell you, and you are not allowed to interrupt until this is over, okay?" Charlie spoke, the boys only nodded their heads but shared the same confused expression.

  The girls looked at Andrea, in hopes she would be the one to confess everything, not in taking the blame but talking for them. 

 "Last year when you played us we were so hurt by it that we wanted to get you back, so we spent all summer creating this revenge plan to get you to trust us so that we can play you but then we started to catch feelings for you all again, and it felt so amazing but we knew that the plan was a horrible thing to do. We even had a notebook which we burnt to symbolize how bad we feel and that we are over it because our wounds have finally healed." Andrea finished out of breath as she confessed everything.

  The boys only looked at the girls as they tried to process everything that Andrea just said, and it did process, they just stood silent. When the silence grew, it worried the girls and Andrea looked down at the ground.

 "We're sorry that we played you last year, we were immature for doing that." Sam spoke up, breaking the silence as he looked at Charlie.

 Charlie smiled slightly as her cheeks began to tint pink, the rest of the boys began to apologize for their actions while understanding where they were coming from.

 "The point is, we forgive you and understand where you were coming from." Dustin summed it all up as he walked over to Andrea, grabbing her hand as he smiled at her.

 Coming clean was the best thing the girls could have ever done, all is forgiven and the boys still fawn over their existence. As the seventh grade year comes to an end, let's make one thing very crystal clear;

 Even though the plan was completely discarded, it didn't mean that the boys would ever forget about the girls. No, it means that in another way, they tattooed themselves inside of the boys' brains. This way, no matter how old they grow, they will always remember the girls who taught them that playing with feelings isn't a funny joke and it never will be.

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