XXII. Meet Me At The Park

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   Chapter 22,
    Meet Me At The Park

"I can't find the book!" Andrea shouted as she tore her room apart, in search of the revenge notebook that was supposed to be burnt today. 

  The girls' eyes widened as they rushed into the bedroom, helping their best friend find the notebook. It would be back if they had lost it, then not only will everyone know about their plan but so would the boys, and that could spark the most problems. After searching every single inch of the room, the book was nowhere to be found, which means that Andrea had lost it and they were in deep shit. How can you come up with a lie about getting revenge, that's almost impossible especially when someone has the proof.

 "Fuck! I don't can't find it, we are so fucking screwed!" Andrea shouted as she looked around her now messy room, annoyed and frustrated that the notebook is nowhere to be found.

  Now everyone was stressed, the notebook could be anywhere with anyone, and that was never a good thing. Adrienne closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to think if she saw Andrea take it out and leave it somewhere. Her mind only takes her straight to when Andrea stopped by her locker and shoved all of her books inside, but there was no way that the school would still be opened for them to go inside and grab their notebook. They're going to have to wait it out until tomorrow morning, but what are they supposed to do if the notebook isn't there either? This is way too stressful.

  "Andrea, call one of the boys and tell them to meet us at the park. If they have the notebook then they'll bring it, and confront us. If not then we're in the clear." Adrienne suggested, trying to keep her composure.

  Andrea nodded her head and rushed over to her landline, dialing Dustin's house phone number and anxiously twisted the cords as she waited for him to answer the phone. Luckily for her, he did and he sounded like he was in a good mood, his tone wasn't different in any way and he agreed to hang out at the park. Andrea gave her friends a thumbs up before hanging up the phone, it was now or never.

  "Keep your cool, they know nothing, we know less." Charlie whispered to her friends as they walked to the park, seeing as the boys were already there waiting for them.

  All the girls stared straight at their hands, no notebooks were in their hands, which has to be the first green flag for them. Nicki's heart was racing as they finally walked over to the boys, giving them a hug and greeting them with the most fake smile in the whole world.

  "We missed you so much, we wanted to hang out." Davie lied as she let out a dry laugh, her eyes couldn't stay connected with anyone's, afraid she might crack.

 The boys laughed, feeling flattered that they were missed dearly by the girls, Andrea's anxiety finally relaxed as she understood that she must have left the book in her locker. Which means they're still in the clear, thank God.

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