XXIV. Whose Gonna Tell Them?

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   Chapter 24,
    Whose Gonna Tell Them?

 Spring break went as fast as it came, the girls were right back at school, they burned the book as soon as they could. As their revenge plan died, their feelings for the boys only grew much more stronger, it seems as if the book had held so much hatred that it held the girls back from forgiving the boys. Burning it had to be one of their best ideas yet.

  "Do you think we should come clean to them, and tell them our original intentions?" Nicki asked, she sounded as if she was starting to feel bad about the whole plan.

 Andrea only shook her head, afraid that it would ruin everything and the boys might never want to talk to them ever again, she didn't want that to happen. These were just fears however, the girls should come clean to the boys, before someone finds out what their intentions were and tells them. 

  "And what the fuck are we supposed to do if someone like, finds out and tells them?" Charlie spoke, practically reading the situation. 

 "She's right Andrea, I think we should seriously tell them next week." Adrienne added on, trying to convince her best friend to cave in and agree with them. 

  After about five minutes, the rest of the group began to plead to Andrea so that they could come clean as a whole. She let out a loud sigh and nodded her head, finally hopping on board of coming clean and not keeping this a secret. 

 "Fine, but once we do come clean, we never speak of this ever again, to anyone." Andrea lowered her voice, as she looked at her friends with a serious expression.

  They all agreed before walking down the hall and into the cafeteria, it seemed as if the days were going by really fast, not that anyone was complaining, all the girls were ready to be eighth graders. As they take their seat at the lunch table, Becca notices them and gets up from her seat, rushing over to them with a shit eating grin plastered all over her face. Andrea rolled her eyes in annoyance, she was sure that Becca was only going to cause trouble fro them right now.

  "What do you want now?" Andrea asked, wanting to cut straight to the point so she could leave them the fuck alone.

 "Jesus, are you always mean to people?" Becca asked as she crossed her arms, looking at Andrea with raised eyebrows.

  "Only to rat faced bitches named Becca." Andrea retorted as she smiled sarcastically before looking away.

  Becca only shook her head, she was only over here to annoy the girls since she doesn't have actual friends. It took fifteen minutes before she finally walked away, when she realized none of the girls were actually going to engage with her, not because they didn't like her, but because they straight up despised her.

 "I cannot wait until graduation, tired of that bitch, for real." Andrea chuckled, Adrienne nodded her head in agreement.

  It was decided that the boys would know about the plan, meaning that if luck was on their side, then they would forgive them.

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