The Spark of Love

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It had taken some time to get used to the rancid smell that admits from Blackwater Bay, but Lyanna would happily deal with the smell if she got to spend some time with the lovely Princess Helaena. The two girls had more in common than they had been expecting, and it seems that the Targaryen princesses get along rather well with the members of House Strong.

Finding a match had proven harder than she thought it would be. There were a few suitable men she could see herself spending the rest of her life with and having children with. But for the most part, the men of the court were staying clear of her, no doubt the curse of her castle streaming them away. One that stood out amongst the rest was Ser Alan Tarly, the first-born son of the current Lord of Horn Hill, so not only would he be the lord of his own home, but also Harrenhal and Lyanna would stand to a rather handsome husband that has a long history of sons and also becoming the lady of Horn Hill. Alan had shown great interest in her, giving her flowers, and no doubt he would soon ask her uncle to begin the courting process formally.

But there was one man that, unfortunately, Lyanna could not get out of her mind. Since the few words they had spoken to each other in the castle Godswood, Prince Aemond had secured a place in her mind. She knows that her thoughts are improper and are something that she should get under control before it gets out of control, but she can not deny the quicking of her heart when she spots him in the halls or the throne hall. Her hands become sweaty, and heat rises up her neck when she tries secretly to steal glances at him.

Lyanna is fortunate that no one has spotted her doing so yet, but no doubt if they did, they would just chop it up to another lady of court fawning over the handsome prince.

Lyanna and Helaena would often spend their free time outdoors, whether in the gardens open to the people of the court or even the royal gardens that Helaena would ramble on about. The gardens had proven to be Lyanna's favourite place in Kings Landing so far, the smell of nature that remedies her of her home, of nature.

The small and cozy seating area in the royal gardens is an excellent getaway for them both, for them to enjoy each other's company in silence or talk about the latest gossip that is making its way through the castle.

"I heard the Lady Westerling swooned when Ser Randyll passed her in the hall today. That she did so because she was trying to make Ser Jason jealous. After all, he has been negligent in courting her," Lyanna informs Helaena as she watches the princess before her.

No doubt, if Larys could see Lyanna now, he would scold her for being so relaxed in front of the princess. Lyanna had made herself comfortable on the small couch, leaning back with her hands resting on her stomach.

"I find it rather sweet, the dance of courting," Helaena says, focusing more on the embroidery wheel and the firefly she is stitching. "I wished that I could have gotten that, to have someone express interest in me like that,"

Helaena never got to experience a proper courtship; betrothed to her older brother Aegon and quickly married him. She enjoys watching the soon-to-be Lords and Ladies of the Court as they steal quick glances at each other, wearing their soon-to-be partners' Houses' colours or even the latest fashion from their region.

But the part the Helaena yarns for the most is the look that they have in their eyes. Something that she had only seen from Aegon when he came to her chambers late at night after one too many cups of wine. The look she does not know the name of but wishes oh so badly to experience herself.

"If you want someone to give you flowers, My Princess, you could have asked. I would happily fill your room with flowers of love and beauty," Lyanna tells Helaena; it is true. Lyanna would do anything to see a smile on her princess's face, and if filling her room with flowers would do it, then so be it.

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