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"You're dating Punzie?" I furrowed my eyebrows looking at Jack. "Yeah, got a problem?" Jack and his jock friends were behind him. These past few weeks Jack has been a jerk. Also he made it on the football team which was nice.

"Yeah, I'm your best friend! You've been dating Punzie and you didn't even let me know?" I almost shouted. The courtyard might hear but it didn't matter to me.

Jack gave me a disgusted look before heading off to the football field. "Ahhh!" I screamed knocking over a sign. "Calm down!" Anna looked at me. She held my shoulders so that I could calm down.

"I'm calm!" I shouted then headed to my favorite class of the day. Math. Our teacher was educational but funny in a way. I had a big smile on my face when I walked in, turns out someone's sitting in my seat.

Jack Frost.


"Dude, she got all bananas on me just cause I was too competitive." Tom, one of the football players, complained. I laughed with a few others joining in.

"Jack Frost, get your jackass out of my seat." Elsa was burning red like one of those Tinkerbell movies. I stood up, gave her a smirk then walked to a seat behind Jimmy.

The math lesson was so boring, so I made spitballs and threw them at Elsa's jacket from behind. Me and the guys laughed quietly when one landed in her hair.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Russo said when the bell rang. I walked up behind Elsa with a post it on my hand. "Have a nice day Elsa." I patted her back, sticking the post it to her back.

Her look was priceless. Almost confused but happy.

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