Chapter 5| Mertha's Gifts

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YAWN- Kenz yawns as he stretches and gets up, the bright beam of the sunrise hits his face, he sees Faulton sitting on a tree bark just outside the tent and Nicky eating bread, which was the usual for him to see, Nicky always has a big appetite an...

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YAWN- Kenz yawns as he stretches and gets up, the bright beam of the sunrise hits his face, he sees Faulton sitting on a tree bark just outside the tent and Nicky eating bread, which was the usual for him to see, Nicky always has a big appetite and can sometimes be short tempered.

"Jolly pleasant morning dear warriors!", says Gavin joyfully.
"Oww... My arm still hurts after hitting the floor from the fall yesterday", says Kenz. He really hasn't noticed the pain due to all the sudden change of environment which left them all dumbfounded. But now, he felt the pain.

"Dear warriors! Nicky, Kenz and Faulton, rise and join us for supper, but it seems like Lady Nicky here is already early for breakfast-", Gavin says.

"OH HI HO!, hurry up hurry up, we still have a long journey ahead of us!", says Groth the orange elf with the screechy joyful voice.
"Now now Groth, there's always time for that, I want to present some items for our young heroes...", says Mertha, her green hair shines brightly as it was hit by the morning sunlight.

"Oh uh we're not heroes actually...",Faulton objects
"Yeah we're just ordinary people who got sent here out of no where", says Kenz.

"Mertha laughs silently, there's no need to be humble now, you'll soon get used to it, trust me.", Mertha said calmly. "You are entrusted with these items, it was I, Gavin and Groth who thought that we should pass these on to you." says Mertha with a kind smile.

"But ofcourse it was mostly Mertha's idea", Gavin says, fasting on some bread beside Nicky. "Please take my bow young Nicky, with enough focus, it allows you to momentarily manipulate and take control your target, but ofcourse this comes with a great cost, it drains your energy if you use it too often. But beware, there are only three arrows that allows you to control your targets, all the other arrows have other abilities , and those abilities are for you to find out and discover. An elegant great weapon for a sophisticated young lady as you". Mertha says as she unties the bow wrapped in leather, it also comes with a quiver to store all the magical arrows, including the three special ones that help you manipulate your targets.
"You've got to be kidding me!", Nicky says with her mouth left open.

"Ayy that's cool!" Kenz says, meanwhile Faulton stands up to take a closer look at the weapon, "Sheesh!". Gavin smiles at them while holding his shoulder where he was cut probably due to a battle with someone. On the other hand, Groth is now no where to be found, it's as if he suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"And ofcourse you two young men will also receive something special, to Faulton, we entrust you this Sword and this pouch," the pouch was made of leather, and is binded by a golden thread, "this pouch can carry anything that you desire to bring with in a long travel and it shall not weight heavy no matter how many items you put inside it, these are from Gavin.", Mertha smiles as she hands over the pouch and the glorious, glimmering, cutting-edge sword, for a second it seems the sword is glowing due to the light reflected from the sun.

"And ofcourse let us not forget Kenz," Mertha announces as she returns holding a folded yellow garment and a stick, "This is the cloak of bravery, this cloak will keep you save and give you the courage you'll need to conquer the most dangerous path." says Mertha.

"And as for this...", says Gavin taking the stick from Mertha. "This used to belong to my grandmother, but now we entrust this to you and is now of your possession, this is a staff used by mages to conjure spells, this staff pairs with this Phoenix Stone that allows you to cast spells and enchantments." says Gavin, as Mertha smiles with an expression similar as telling him to "Try it" which was visible on her facial expression.

"You may do the honors Kenz," Gavin says as he hands the stone and the staff to Kenz.

In an instant as soon as Kenz's fingers touched the stone it immediately glows bright as the sun, glimmering with yellow light emitted by the stone itself. "Oh dear goodness, it has never shone as bright as this before!", gasps Mertha, "A true sign that the prophecy is true, that the warriors of Nickarzan is finally here!", Mertha says gleefully.

"Kenz gives a smile then puts the stone at the end of the staff, which the wood immediately wraps around it, securing it in place, it is as if they are one.

"Not gonna lie, that's actually really interesting "
"Even Nicky agrees"
"Thanks, you two", Kenz laughs silently.

Now that they have been given their own individual equipments Gavin says, "Now, let us pack ourselves and get ready for a tough journey ahead of us".

But then in an instant out of no where, something sprung from a nearby bush. "AHHHH!", screams the three.

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