Chapter 7| The Voyage To Mitoza

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"AHHH", screams Kenz, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT THING!?", Nicky screams

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"AHHH", screams Kenz, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT THING!?", Nicky screams. "Stay back!, I got this", Fau says as he steps front, pulls his sword and brandishes it towards the beast, ready to engage.

"Hey hey now, take it easy girl!", a random villager appeared, patting the lion. "Pardon me, dear travellers, it's the third time she escaped, I am so sorry.", the green tall elf apologized. "It's no big deal", Kenz said. "Yeah - no big deal, it's not like we were almost eaten to death at some point, yeah it's totally fine," Nicky snaps.

"Alright, alright I get your point, I wholeheartedly apologize, please accept some gold as my apology -", but Kenz refuses, "You don't have to, it's fine," refusing the gold, "Are you sure though?, I mean we could buy loads of stuff with- OW, alright alright, yeah it's fine, we don't need the gold," says Faulton just as Kenz bumps him with his elbow.

"I'll be sure to secure her safely from now on," says the tall green elf, "Well you'd better be!", said Groth who just catched up on them.

"Oh there you lot are!", yells Gavin accompanied by Mertha who just appeared from the village market square, they seem to be carrying a huge sack. "We've bought some food for the journey, as well as some battle gear and potions!", Mertha says in a motherly voice.

"About that..." Kenz objects
"King Magnus, the king of Elgendar entrusted us with a quest to deliver this scroll to the Queen of Mitoza," Faulton explains.
"And he said it was really important and all,".
"That's where we're just headed to!, Perhaps the king has the same plans as us", Gavin told them.
"Looks like things may have just gotten convenient for us." Mertha says.

They've headed back to where they left off their fiery winged horses, but they've arrived only to see nothing, "What!, W-where are they?", asked Gavin. "I reckon the poor lot must have galloped in away in fright, after seeing that Lion-type beast on the lose!", concluded Groth. "Well, looks like we're going to have to walk ", Faulton says.

"Looks like it though ", Nicky says as she sighs silently. "Not to worry, we'll just hurry up before nightfall, so we can find a place to stay", Gavin says.

"We don't have to!, good thing Elgendar Kingdom has Nickarzan's largest trade harbour!", said Groth proudly, but suddenly a frown appeared on his face, "Well, atleast before the dark times, now we're forced to live under constant fear from The Vengeful Dragon,".

"Not to worry, we may still borrow a ship, we can still show them the King's seal from that scroll he gave you lot," Gavin tells them.

"Oh yeah!, I haven't noticed that ", Faulton says as he grabs the scroll from his magical pouch, and there it is!, The golden royal seal, a crest bearing a large tree and the word Elgendar engraved on it. "We should hurry up you two," Nicky reminded Kenz and Fau.

They've arrived on the harbour and the elf that guards it permitted them to use a large ship with huge sails, waving flags on top bearing the Elgendar crest, and on the side of the ship's bow it has the words Euphoria with gold letterings, perhaps this is the name of the ship "All aboard!, We're setting course to Mitoza!", says the captain of the ship who agreed to take them to the Kingdom of the Fairies and Centaurs.

"As we will be spending countless treacherous days together, you might as well know my name, ye can call me Capt'n Arwin, now I don' want any of ya fellas messin' around me ship tha's not suppose to be messin' with, got it?", warned the old elf who appears to be just two feet shorter than Nicky, who happens to be five feet. The elf also has a white beard and his skin is scarlet red.

"Aye, aye Captain!", Fau says, Kenz seems excited, Mertha and Gavin took their load and brought it inside the cabin of the ship, on the other hand, Groth is pulling some ropes, opening the sails. But Nicky seems to be anxious, in fact she's not looking herself lately.

The anchor starts getting raised, and they start drifting away from the harbour, father and farther away, "Hey look, the castle looks so tiny from here", Fau says and Kenz starts closing one eye and measures the distant castle with his two fingers, as if he's pinching something. "Hey Nicky!, Come over here!, You should see how beautiful the village is from here", Faulton invites Nicky, "No thanks, I'll stay here", she replied him while holding tight on the ship's rigging, then a moment or so she grabs a wooden bucket and pukes in it.

It has been hours now and the castle is no where to be seen, in fact there is nothing seen except endless ocean, there was water everywhere and nothing but water. "We must be in the middle of an extremely deep ocean, I wonder how deep this goes", Kenz curiously asked.

"Well if ye must know, we're in the middle of the Southern Nickarzanian Sea," answered Captain Arwin, "I've sailed these seas for over thirty seven years if I do say so me'self", he proudly says, "T'was a shame that all the sailing routes 'ave been blocked by You-Know-Who five years ago-",
"Oh you mean The Vengeful Dragon of The Dead?", Faulton continues
"The name sounds a bit silly if you ask me," Kenz says.
"Silly ye lot might think, but terrible things he has done!, Oh the horrible, dreadful things he's done. Even the Mitozans haven't left their island since five years".

Three days have passed by and they woke up in the middle of the ocean, but Captain Arwin was already wide awake, steering the wheel as he casually takes a bite out of an apple. "Good morrow hearties!", Captain Arwin joyful greets as the two boys, Kenz and Fau emerges from the cabin, Mertha was brushing Nicky's hair, Gavin and Groth were mopping the deck after a casual rain last night. The wind was blowing coldly, the sun shining hot and brightly, the waves of water burbling and splashing against the hull of the ship.

"Nicky you don't look quite well since the last three days, are you okay?", Kenz asks. "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY!?", she screams, Mertha stopped brushing her hair, and there was silence on the deck.

"S-sorry... I didn't mean to yell"
"It's quite alright dear," Mertha said, "It's understandable considering the fact that water fears you... We all have our own fears."

"You're afraid of water?", Fau asks who seemed surprised.
"Yeah go ahead and laugh all you two want,"
"Actually, we're just surprised, there's nothing to be ashamed of," Kenz tells her.
"We all have fears at some point in our lives,"
"Right you are, me boy!", Captain Arwin snaps while casually steering the wheel.

"Thanks", replied Nicky, and gives them a slight smile.

The waves begins to smash onto the hull more violently than it has in the last three days of sailing, the ship starts moving aggressively, "Woah woah!, Easy there girl, Euphoria," Captain Arwin told the ship as if it was alive.

And out in the ocean, appears a great beast, twice as large as the ship itself emerges from the waters.

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