Chapter 10| Unforseen Dangers

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The elephant was screaming and tossing and turning, the trio were holding the edge of the saddle tightly, “I'll handle this”, said Faulton pulling out his sword from his scabbard, “Not so fast,” Nicky interrupts with a shot at the beast, she used ...

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The elephant was screaming and tossing and turning, the trio were holding the edge of the saddle tightly, “I'll handle this”, said Faulton pulling out his sword from his scabbard, “Not so fast,” Nicky interrupts with a shot at the beast, she used a magical arrow this time, the arrow was orange, it set the monster in flames as soon as the arrow hits it, screeching, the terrifying beast fell from the sky, never to be seen once more.

“Piece of cake,” she shrugged and puts her bow away. Faulton gives her the side eye and carries on, “Pffft, that was nothing ”.

“How much more monsters are we going to encounter?”, Kenz asked. “Nickarzan really is a dangerous place huh”, Faulton said gloomily.

“I miss home...”, Nicky whispered as she sat down. “Me too”, said the two. “I miss all of our friends back home,” Kenz shared. “I miss the games we used to play,” Faulton sighed.

“What will our parents say?, They're probably worried sick about us right now,” Kenz thought, it has been almost a week now since they arrived, and those past days were a blast, they've learned the dark truth surrounding Nickarzan, they're known as heroes and were given gifts, they bravely fought alongside each other, and succeeded.

“I'm sure they're doing alright,” Nicky said, “But I have to admit, I want to go back home,”

“All those monsters we've fought, those fairies and Centaurs who died, and what happened to Mitoza, it was horrible. It's just another reason for us to keep going, these people need our help, they're counting on us, we can't just abandon them, not yet,” Kenz says.

“Kenz is right,” Faulton agreed.

Then out in the open sky, the same monster from earlier erupted and clawed the elephant, deep claw marks were embedded on the elephant, screaming and bleeding heavily. “BLOODY HELL!”, Faulton interjected as he pulls his sword.

“WHY WOULDN'T YOU DIE ALREADY!”, screamed Nicky. “GUYS WE'RE FALLING!”, yelled Kenz as the elephant stopped flapping its wings, they were falling and falling, the monster was now on the elephant, roaring loudly, it's spikes rattling.

“TAKE THIS!,” yelled Fau as he slashes the beast across it's face, Nicky pulled her bow, aims at the beast and tries to shoot, but the bow slipped from her hand, it fell from her hand and dropped from the sky, “NO!”.

Kenz tries to figure out a way to conjure a spell, but he knows nothing, in fact he does not know any proper spell yet, he was merely waiting for a miracle, relying if something happens.


Kenz quickly jumped on the beast,  maintaining his balance he grabbed one of its Spikes, broke it with all his might and used it to stab the beast's neck, blood once more spurts everywhere, pouring all over the place. Then Faulton stabs the beast's hard skin, Nicky helps him, together they both push and stab the beast. Ending it once and for all.

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