Chapter 78: Preparing for the Birthday Party

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Chapter 78: Preparing for the Birthday Party

Ruan Tang came to the canteen of the military headquarters. It was not meal time, so the canteen was empty, only a few intelligent robots were doing daily cleaning. Ruan Tang walked towards the back kitchen familiarly. There is also a smart terminal at the door of the back kitchen to check the identity. After all, it is related to the food safety of the soldiers of the entire military department. People without authorization are absolutely unable to enter.

Ruan Tang pressed his palm on the smart terminal at the door, and after passing the biometric information inspection, the sensor door opened in response.

"Master!" The few people who were busy in the kitchen immediately looked towards the door after hearing the sound of the induction door opening, and after finding that the person who came was Ruan Tang, they all showed pleasant expressions.

Although Ruan Tang did not often come to the canteen of the military department to teach, he still kept in touch with his six apprentices from time to time, answering their doubts in the process of cooking, and the six of them would also watch his live broadcast, and Learn from his videos. The six of them now fully regard Ruan Tang as their master, and they no longer call Mr. Ruan as before, but directly call them master.

"Well, what are you doing?" Ruan Tang asked with a smile.

"We are discussing today's lunch menu." Wen Zeyang replied immediately.

"Oh? What are you going to do?"

Wen Zeyang nodded, and reported everything, "Sauce ribs, tomato scrambled eggs, hot and sour potato shreds, fungus scrambled eggs, cucumber fried pork slices, green pepper fried pork shreds, potato stewed beef brisket, chicken stew Mushroom, tomato tofu soup, winter melon pork ribs soup, a total of eight dishes and two soups."

"Nice." Ruan Tang nodded slightly, and was very pleased to see that they had learned new dishes.

He chatted with them a few more words, and let them go to their own business.

Several apprentices started to get busy preparing ingredients, while Ruan Tang sat aside and began to think about what gifts to prepare for He Yunchen. Birthday cake is a must, and longevity noodles are also indispensable. Longevity peaches and eggs are also ingredients that represent blessings.

Thinking of this, Ruan Tang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He really couldn't change his habit. When it comes to birthdays, the first thing he thinks of is food. After all, the only thing he can sell is his cooking skills.

Rather than racking his brains to prepare some birthday presents, it's better to carefully prepare a birthday banquet for He Yunchen to have a good time.

Just at this time, Ruan Tang's optical brain rang, and he glanced at the screen, the name of the caller displayed on it was He Yunyi.

"Brother He?" Ruan Tang immediately got through the communication.

"Xiaotang, are you free today?" He Yunyi rang out with a teasing voice.

"I'm free, Brother He, is there anything I can help you with?"

"The Academy of Sciences just restored two new ingredients, which look a bit weird. I would like to invite you to take a look. In addition, there is a big surprise you here."

"Surprise?" Ruan Tang was a little curious, and readily agreed, "Okay, I'll take a car right away."

He paused, and then asked: "By the way, Brother He, I heard that tomorrow is Brother Chen birthday. Do you have any plans?"

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