Chapter 108: Building a Camp

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Chapter 108: Building a Camp

Obviously the purpose of the program group is to let the guests build their own camps for the next 30 days. For ordinary people, this may be an unimaginable problem, but for those who have experienced war and for the trained soldiers, it is not too difficult.

"You wait here, I'll get some wood." After He Yunchen finished speaking, he took out a dagger-shaped light blade from his backpack, which was one of the three items he brought.

Not far from the camp is a forest, from which enough wood can be obtained.

The genetically modified human body functions have been strengthened several times, and He Yunchen's physique level is even more outstanding among them. It is no difficulty for him to cut down trees. He selected a few large trees of moderate thickness, and directly chopped them down with the light blade. In fact, with his strength, he can break those trees even with his fists, but the interface is not so smooth, and it will be troublesome to deal with afterwards.

After cutting down four or five big trees in a row, He Yunchen carried the trees and walked back to the camp, which immediately attracted countless praises from the audience.

[Night: Major General He is mighty!]

[Xue Zine: What kind of skill is carrying a tree, the male god come and carry me!]

Ruan Tang was not idle either, he went to pick up some stones, built a simple hearth, and then spread some wet mud on it to make the hearth stronger.

[ID30602195: Is this a stove? Actually build it by hand? My Tang is too powerful, right?]

[Nuan Hua Lian Ye: My Tang is really ingenious! Simply superb!]

[Xiaosheng's succulent garden: But can this thing really work? It seems that the program team did not provide ignition tools!]

It was the first time for the audience to see a stove built with stones. Apart from the novelty, they began to doubt whether it could really be used. Moreover, the program team also restricted the items they carried. Without a kindling, there was no way to start a fire. Even if there was a stove, it would be useless.

Compared with the audience's worries, Ruan Tang was much calmer. He collected some dead branches and leaves and piled them up next to him. After He Yunchen came back, they would try to light the fire again. Maybe He Yunchen would bring kindling. And even if there is no kindling, they can try methods like drilling wood to make fire, anyway, he is not worried.

Then, he took a pot and walked to the edge of the stream, ready to boil some water for drinking. While filling the water, he found fish and some shrimps in the stream. It seemed that today's lunch was settled.

After Ruan Tang filled the water, he rolled up his sleeves and started to fish in the water. These fish have been living peacefully in the water, they have never met a fisherman, and they don't know the dangers of the human world, so even if they saw Ruan Tang entering the water, they didn't know how to avoid it, and instead they came up curiously turning around Ruan Tang, Ruan Tang was very moved and caught them all.

[Yue Mingya: Hahahahaha, my mother, this is probably called suicide, right?]

[Xiao Qingming: I've already started brainstorming about a hundred ways to eat fish!]

Ruan Tang easily caught two big fat fish. After being knocked unconscious, he returned to the camp with his tail and a pot filled with water.

When he returned to the camp, He Yunchen had already started to process the wood, and he was going to use the trees he had just felled to make a simple wooden house. Seeing Ruan Tang holding the pot in one hand and the fish in the other, he quickly stepped forward to take it.

"We have lunch today!" Ruan Tang said with a smile, "I'll make fish soup and grilled fish for you!"

"Okay." He Yunchen couldn't help smiling.

He Yunchen didn't bring kindling either, so the two of them used the method of drilling wood to make fire. He Yunchen was strong and physically fit, and quickly drilled the wooden stick, sparks came out in a short time, and the fire was raised quickly. Got up, causing the audience to let out an exclamation.

[Little Swallow Fly, Fly: My Tang and Major General He have both started cooking, and the wooden house is also under construction! Compared with them, other people are really miserable...]

Qiu Ming and Shi Mingxu chose the lakeside. The lakeside is a very good place at first glance. It is very close to the water source. If there are small animals to drink water, it is also convenient for them to hunt. But the disadvantage is that this lake is inhabited by extremely aggressive Crocodiles are a certain threat to them, so they have to camp far away from the lake.

Qiu Ming, like He Yunchen, brought a light blade, so he also went to cut down trees, preparing to build a wooden house as their residence for the next 30 days.

Chen Yang and Cao Jun chose the green grassland. Although it looked wide and safe, it was quite far away from the water source. There were only a few scattered trees growing around, and the rest were large tracts of bushes. They were built for Chen Yang. Temporary accommodation presents a great deal of difficulty. Although they were lucky enough to catch two rabbits, they were really embarrassed about how to make a fire.

Zha Panpan and Wu Shasha chose the cave, which seemed to save them the trouble of building a temporary shelter, but unfortunately, this cave has an owner, and there is a huge black bear living in it. The black bear was obviously very repulsed by these two humans who invaded its territory, so it directly attacked them.

Fortunately, Wu Shasha is a soldier who has undergone rigorous training. It is no problem to deal with such a black bear, but she doesn't know what to do with the black bear's body. Since it is an animal, it should be edible, so she handed over the black bear to Cha Panpan to deal with.

Zha Panpan was completely dazed, she didn't even know what this monster was, how could she use it to make food?

Now that the black bear is dead, its cave can naturally be used to live in, so Wu Shasha was about to clean up the cave, but just after walking in, she was almost fainted by a stench. It is impossible for a black bear to have any concept of cleaning, so Wu Shasha is unlucky. As a soldier with a physique level of A, her keen five senses are really going to torture her to death.

[Ye Lingxue: Hahahaha, I can feel the despair of Panpan and Sasha through the screen!]

[Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: hhhhhh feel the true meaning of nature.]

[Can't stop Hugging Trees: Damn it, I shouldn't have turned on the holographic mode, I almost suffocated from the stench!]

Chen Yuanwu and Gu Yan's camp was in a dense forest, with towering trees everywhere, and the distance between them was not large. There was not enough space for them to camp on the ground. Moreover, because of the shade of the trees, the light transmission was very poor, and the soil was also dense. It was very humid, and it was not a good place to camp, so they could only build tree houses on trees.

However, they found that there were snakes entrenched in many trees, and some small furry animals were jumping quickly on the trees, which was really troublesome. Fortunately, Chen Yuanwu's physique is also very strong, and he can help Gu Yan a lot. The two of them worked together and quickly built a prototype of the tree house, but their lunch still hadn't been settled.

Except for Ruan Tang and He Yunchen's team, the other four teams could not help but sigh.

It is difficult to live in such a bad environment, how to cook delicious food!

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