"Is There Someone Else?"

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Yunjin POV

Okay actually this day wasn't as bad. I was too busy for a breakdown. I don't have time to cry cause the second I check my phone I get a notification from Ms Kim.

It's like I'm a business woman. I'd be a hot business woman that's for sure.

But I can't keep up with these meetings Ms Kim needs me for. I honestly just sit there and avoid eye contact with the scary lady in the middle front ahem... Kazuha.

I'm back to calling her scary lady.

I hope she's not mad at me though. That's the last thing I'd ever ask. I can't afford her mad at me.

Not the idea that she could fire me but that would actually hurt.

Anyway I almost forgot I'd visit Yeonjun today. It was the perfect time, I was free.

I may not be handling their case anymore but I'm still worried and I feel bad.

In The Hospital

"Yeonjun!" I slam the door open. He was startled and so was the nurse beside him.  I should have knocked first...

"Oh my god."

Some of the soup the nurse was holding spilled on him. Poor boy was holding his breath ignoring the pain of the burning hot soup.

"I'll leave you two first miss." the nurse bows and left.

"How are you feeling?"

I hope he's not mad at me.

"I feel armless if you know what I mean"

It felt illegal to laugh.

"Well I'm glad you're alive"

"Too bad."

"Hey don't say that!"

We both laugh.

I was happy Yeonjun was cool with me. It was my fault still he got shot. I don't know what he'd react if he knew I dropped his case.

Even if I don't have that anymore I'm grateful to meet Yeonjun.

Not a very good first impression but never trust first impressions. He felt like a sibling to me.

"Is everything okay? you went silent all of the sudden."

Is it really that obvious how sad I look!?

Speaking of sibling, Eunchae was ringin my phone. Fuck it's 8 pm and I haven't gotten us dinner.

> Eunchae!

> Oh Yunjinnn did I disturb anything?

> No actually I was just about to buy us dinner.

> Yeah I kinda forgot to tell you I'll be sleeping at Hiyyih's.

> Oh?

> I called cause of that, I'll be having dinner here.

> Sure sure, take care Eun.

> Byieee.

I'm home alone tonight... alone... just me. Stop this will be so boring I might just sleep early.

... I miss Kazuha.

That was a very random thought but
I miss her badly. I don't know if this is cause I'm lonely tonight.

Like any moment if she calls or text me, I would be running back to her. Funny thing is that she's not even my girlfriend! I'm not her girlfriend!

Do I want to? Yes I do!

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