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"Mom I'll be a famous newscaster I promise you!"

"You'll be a great newscaster baby"

"I will tell everyone about our family!"

"What's there to news about though?"

"You sing well mom and dad's a ... "

It's a lovely family... Am I in a dream? It's so comforting and safe. I want to stay like this forever... no chaos, no fear, no killing...

"I'm Nakamura Kazuha, do your best job."

Kazuha? What are you doing here?

"You're under qualified for this job, you're wasting your time."

Oh... right I passed out. This isn't real.

"Dad you look silly!"

"I'm not your dad, I'm a robber!"

"I'm a newscaster dad not a police officer"

They look so peaceful. Too fragile to handle what the world will give. Too precious to take a scratch from reality. Too innocent to know how cruel it can be.

"Yunjin you're beautiful."


"We'll create a world that's just the two of us..."


"Baby wake up please... Yunjin!"


"Yunjin! are you okay? how are you feeling? can you stand?"

"I-I'm okay"

Was I dying? Dreaming?

"We have to go!"

Kazuha looks so tense and scared. It scared me. Why can't it be like that dream? Why should things like this happen? I feel so lightheaded I could pass out again. This time I'd want that. If it'll bring me back to that world, to that family, I'll forever want that.

Third Person POV

Kazuha picked Yunjin up and carried her bridal style out the office. It was too risky to take the elevator so they ran down the stair exit. Yunjin is conscious but is too weak to move. Her eyes opened slightly and she saw Kazuha. She looked fine with the poker face but Yunjin could feel the cold shaking hands holding her.

The employees' scream were getting louder and it did not help in staying calm. Kazuha couldn't think straight. Her company, her employees, her workers, Yunjin. She felt an overwhelming feeling in her chest that's aside from fear.

"Be careful Zuha." she held her girlfriend's hands and rubbed her thumb softly on it's skin.

Tears dropped on Yunjin's cheeks.

"I-I'm so sorry... I'm so so s-sorry..." Kazuha's voice breaks.

Before the two open the door to the lower floor, Yunjin squeezed the japanese' hand thrice. I love you Kazuha.

The door opened to an empty office room, it was Yunjin's team's. Noone was there except for messed up chairs and tables left everywhere due to the panic on that floor.

Kazuha sat Yunjin down on one of the chairs and looked on her desk.

"What is it, why did we stop?"

No reply received.

"Kazuha... Kazuha!"

"Here!" the japanese stopped and pulled out a file from the drawer.

"What's that?"

"I knew this was coming, I knew this day w-would come but I didn't know it was this soon I-I."

"Hey calm down! just tell me what's going on, you're scaring me."

Kazuha handed her the paper. It was the files from the police station... from Jay. Kazuha took her phone out showing a picture and placed it beside the paper. A picture of an employee's ID? No... not from Ssera Broadcast's.

The man on the ID and the man on the file papers is the same. It's Attorney Han!... Han "Huh"

Mr Han, the attorney Mr Han? Yeonjun's Uncle? The lawyer case.

"Kazuha... Kazuha he's not... he's not my father is he?"

"Yunjin baby I'm really sorry I couldn't-"

"Kazuha answer the question for fuck's sake is he my father!?"



Yunjin's heart dropped. The lawyer who she faught justice for is her father.

"Do you know about this?" her tone got angrier.

"I did."

"And you didn't tell me!? Kazuha you purposely gave my father's case to me and for what? Is this a set up!?"

the japanese nodded looking down.

"You hired me to your company for this just to play with me! I was gullible enough to believe you would actually hire someone like me... so more even date me. I can't believe I loved you."

the pain in Yunjin's voice was piercing through Kazuha's heart. It's the day she expected to come but those words she didn't expect to hear. It hurts for both Kazuha and Yunjin.

Before she could explain, men in all black slammed the door open, the same men that chased Yunjin and shot Yeonjun and most likely the ones behind all this mess. They were already surrounding most of the building and soon the last room which is the room where Kazuha and Yunjin is in.

This time Kazuha didn't even budge to do anything about it. It was all planned after all.

"Ms Nakamura, you can't keep running away. It's a pity that your girlfriend here is now in this mess." one of the guys laughed.

"Just say what you need goddamit."

"Don't give me attitude little girl, hand it over" he points the paper Yunjin was holding.

Yunjin looked at Kazuha not knowing what to do. She's mad about what she did but right now isn't the time for that. Kazuha was shaking her head signalling her not to give them it.

"We'll count one to three." the man pointed a gun right at the japanese.


"Yunjin don't you dare give them that."


"Kazuha you're gonna die if I don't!"


"Fuck it!"

Yunjin threw the paper at them and pushed Kazuha away making them fall to the ground. The bullet missed and Yunjin was 1 second away from costing her life... for Kazuha. Even if she knew what Kazuha did, even if Kazuha's love for her was just for show, she will risk it and would do it again but the pain will remain there.

"What a show this is." the guys laughed. One picked up the paper and ripped it in half. Mr Han's files for justice, gone.

That was Yunjin's last straw. She stood up and charged knowing she could get shot, her emotions were overflowing with anger.

"Don't shoot her! Please I'm begging you!" Kazuha begged as Yunjin letg go of her hand.

One of the men stopped and took a good look at her. He immediately recognized Yunjin and grabbed her hand to face him.

"You're Han's daughter." he grasped on her face smirking. "I can't be wrong, you're his daughter."

"Take her."

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