Chapter 21: Remnant

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Seraphina descended the spiral stairs with a gentle hum, her delicate fingers manipulating the tendrils of fire that danced around us like mischievous imps. The creatures flickered and darted through the air, leaving a trail of burning embers that illuminated the otherwise pitch-black passageway. It felt as though we were descending into the depths of an ancient dungeon, the air thick with the scent of dust.

Seraphina's control over the flames was nothing short of masterful. Each flick of her wrist produced a new creation that leapt and cavorted with a life of its own. As we descended further into the darkness, the dexterity with which the little girl handled the fire left me impressed.

At the same time, it made me more wary and interested in her, and her value as a key player in this scheme increased even more.

I collided with the girl ahead as she came to an abrupt stop, her body quivering with sudden realization. "Forgive me," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the stairwell. "My father warned me of a spell here, but I had forgotten. You weren't harmed, were you?" She sent a small lion-like creature darting towards me, its fiery form illuminating the darkness but curiously not scorching my skin. "I can heal you, just to be sure."

I placed my hand on her head, sensing a chance to seize the moment. "No need," I said with practiced ease, flashing her a half-smile. "Shall we continue?"

Seraphina nodded, her blank expression belying the slight blush on her cheeks. "Sure," she said, her voice gaining a hint of animation. We walked on, her creations casting flickering shadows on the dank walls of the stairwell.

At last, we reached the bottom of the stairs, the darkness so profound that even with Seraphina's fiery companions, I could barely see a few feet ahead. The very laws of science seemed to be defied in this place.

When she asked what was next, Seraphina moved her hands as if she were conducting an orchestra. Her hands moved in a graceful arc, as if she were conducting an invisible orchestra. She muttered an incantation under her breath, and her creatures scattered, melting into the darkness until they seemed to become one with it. In an instant, everything was illuminated.

"Yes!" Seraphina breathed, her generally expressionless eyes gleaming with excitement. "First try!"

I flashed her a practiced half-smile that had served me well in the past and turned to survey the newly illuminated space. The room glowed with a flickering orange light. My eyes were drawn to a door that stood before me, an ornate and familiar sight.

"So this is it?" I asked, my gaze still locked on the door.

"Yes." Seraphina's voice was soft, but there was a sense of determination in it. "Kiyo, I don't think my father put anything too dangerous in there, but just in case..."

With that, she transformed into her phoenix form and flew towards me, brushing her beak against my forearm. A stinging sensation coursed through my skin, and I watched as a black, flame-shaped tattoo appeared on my arm.

"I hope this helps..." Seraphina's words echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. "Hello?"

Immediately, I diverted my attention from my thoughts and raised my guard. "Can you read my mind?"

Seraphina tilted her head in her bird form. "I'm not sure. Actually, I don't sense much coming from you, which is strange. My father said I would feel the emotions of my bond."

"Don't worry about it." I told her simply, "but what's the bond for?" I asked.

Her voice continued to echo inside my head. "I'm not sure what my father put in there, but I hope the bond proves that you are...with me." Her voice turned to a whisper. "Was it wrong?"

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