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Sam was listening to the news Reporter on the radio, "It was an awesome spectacle here an hour ago when over forty C-17s lifted off of this very base. We're not told where they're going." He stood up and passed his dog, "Morning, Mo." The Reporter continues, "The government has been very quiet about what's going on, but in our vision-" Sam mutters, "Mojo. Mojo."

"They were headed directly toward North Korea."

Mojo starts barking, annoying Sam, "Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please?" Sam turns to the window to see Bumblebee come up the driveway making him gasp.

Melly was cleaning the Hornet when her phone buzzed. Taking a look at the caller id, she frowns to see Sam pop up on her phone, "Hello?"

"Melly? Melly, listen to me. Listen. My car, it stole itself, okay?" Sam spoke frantically.

Melly knew what he meant, "What are you talking about, man?" She fibbed.

"Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me." Sam quickly hangs up and runs out the door. Melly stuffs her phone in her pocket and hops into the vehicle, "Sam needs to calm down." She drives through the town and sees Sam on his mother's bike with Bumblebee driving on the sidewalk.

"Get off the sidewalk." Melly spoke, driving on the road behind Bee. As if he heard her, Bumblebee got off the sidewalk, still following Sam. "Oh, oh- whoaah!" Sam tumbles off the bike, landing in front of Mikaela and her friend.

"Oh, my God!"

Mikaela gasps, "Sam?"

Mikaela's friends start laughing as Sam grunts, sitting up, "Oh, hi." Mikaela looks at him in worry, "That was, uh, that was really... awesome." Sam glances up at her, "Uh, well, it felt awesome."

"Are you okay?"

Sam gets up, "I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now. Got to go." He grabs his bike and grunts, pushing himself off to get away from Bee. Mikaela turns to her friends, "You know what? I'm gonna catch up with you guys later." She grabs her bike and straps on her helmet.

Melly stays close behind Bee as Sam struggles to get away. Mikaela trails behind, heading down a shorter route. She stops quickly as a police car speeds past, "Tsk." Melly messes with the radio hearing Sam yelling and gasping, "Oh. Oh-" Melly looks out her mirror to see the police car appear, "Oh, no..." The side of the car had the words 'To enslave and punish.' A Decepticon, known as Barricade.

Sam falls off his bike inside an indoor parking garage and hits the police car, "Oh, great. Cops. Officer!" Sam jumps up and smacks his hand on the hood, "Listen! Ah- oh. Oh, that hurt. Listen to me! Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever! I've been, I've been followed here on my mother's bike! Right? And my car's right there, and it's been following me here! So get out of the car!"

Barricade moves forward, causing Sam to jump back in surprise, "No! Stop! Oh, God. Okay, okay! Okay, all right! Okay! I'm sorry!" Sam falls on his back, and Barricade inches closer, "I'm- whoah! I didn't mean to hit your car! Look! Okay, look, look, look! Oh my, oh- whoah whoa whoa- stop, stop! Please! Okay, what do you want from me? Okay." Sam shouts.

Barricade transforms himself and roars at Sam, making him scream, "Oh, God, no! No!" Barricade roars again as Sam scrambles to his feet, "Oh, shit! Oh, shit, shit, shit! Oh, God! Oh! Shit! Aaa! It's a bad dream." He screams and runs away from the Decepticon.

Barricade chases after Sam in the indoor parking garage and smacks the teen against a car windshield, "Are you username Ladies-Man-two-one-seven?" Barricade growls.

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