The Autobots

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Bumblebee stops at an empty park, and the teens exit the car, watching asteroids enter the atmosphere. Sam exhales sharply. Melly sat back as the driver's seat instantly vibrated. A chill passes down her spine as ghostly hands wrap around her waist. Bumblebee communicates through the radio, "Hor-net..." Melly gently brushes the symbol on the wheel, "Yes, Bee?"

"Missed- you- earth angel." He replied back. Sam and Mikaela open the door and enter the car, "Alright. Where to?" Sam asked. Bumblebee leaves and takes them to a secluded area where no one can be seen. Suddenly, A large truck appeared; the paint in blue and red seemed to hold with high importance. An ambulance vehicle appears, followed by a Porche and a GMC 4X4 Pickup. Sam and Mikaela get out and gap at the Autobots.

 Sam and Mikaela get out and gap at the Autobots

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"Get out, sweetheart," Bumblebee spoke. Melly squirms and carefully gets out as Optimus transforms last, his blue and red paint blending together. Bumblebee stands up and looks down at Melly, knowing she is uncomfortable.

Optimus Prime lowers down to Sam and Mikaela's level, "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?" Mikaela turns to Sam, "They know your name."


"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." Optimus spoke in his deep voice, sending a shiver down Melly's spine.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." The ambulance transformer spoke. Sam nods, "Autobots."

"What's crackin', little bitches?" The Porche spins around. Optimus Prime looks at the hyper transformer, "My first lieutenant." The transformer lands on an abandoned vehicle, "Hyah!"

"Designation Jazz." Prime finishes. Jazz crosses his legs and puts his arms behind his head, "This looks like a cool place to kick it." Sam points at Jazz and looks at Optimus, "What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?"

Optimus Prime crosses his arms, "We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web. My weapons specialist, Ironhide." He gestures to the Pickup. Ironhide pulls out his weapons, "You feeling lucky, punk?" Sam flinches at the Transformer.

"Easy, Ironhide."

Ironhide retracts his cannons, "Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons."

Sam exhales, "Heh."

Optimus Prime points to the ambulance, "Our medical officer, Ratchet."

Ratchet seems to be sniffing the air, "Mmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the two females." Mikaela and Sam looked away, "Ermm..." Melly hardens her stare at Sam, "SAM!" The teen flinches and refuses to look at her. Ratchet turns to Optimus, "What did I say?"

Optimus Prime shakes his head, "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee." Sam turns to see Bumblebee dancing, "Bumblebee, right?"

"Check out the rep, yep, second to none-"

"So you're my guardian, huh?"

Bumblebee nods his head at Sam, his fists on his hips. Ratchet shoots a laser at the scout, "His vocal processors were damaged in battle." Bumblebee coughs in pain. Ratchet lowers his hand, "I'm still working on them."

"Why are you here?" Melly finally spoke, already knowing the answer. Optimus Prime tilts his head to her, "We are here looking for the AllSpark. And we must find it before Megatron." Sam blinks, "Megawhat?"

Optimus Prime presses a button on the side of his head, showing a hologram of Cybertron, "Our planet was once a powerful empire. Peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars." A Hologram Megatron appears, growling.

"Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him." Prime spoke. "Oh- My grandfather." Sam mutters.

"It was an accident that intertwined our fates. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses." Optimus finished, the hologram disappearing.

Sam stares at Optimus, "How'd you know about his glasses?"

Optimus straightens up, "eBay." Melly covers her mouth, holding the chuckle as Sam mutters, "eBay." Ratchet turns to the three, "If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army."

Optimus crosses his arms, "And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival." His optics adverted towards Melly; his gaze seemed to sharpen. Melly squirms slightly as Mikaela looks at Sam, "Please tell me that you have those glasses." Sam nods his head, "Yeah, I do."

Bumblebee transforms back into the Camaro, and the teens walk up to him. The other Autobots followed suit. Optimus kept his gaze on Melly, "I want to speak to you." He transforms into the truck and swings the passenger door open. Before Sam gets in, he gazes at Melly in confusion. "It's okay, Sam. I will see you at your house." She promised. Melly hops in the passenger seat, and the Autobots follow Bumblebee toward Sam's neighborhood.

Melly squirmed as a hologram of a man appeared in the driver's seat. Optimus kept his eyes on the road, following close, "How long have you been on this planet?" His voice deepened. Melly shivered, "I followed Bumblebee here, Optimus. I stayed hidden in the shadows, disguising myself as one of the humans."

"There is a reason why I want you to stay away from Bumblebee. Instead, you didn't heed my warnings." He growled. His blue eyes glared at her. Melly shifted in her seat, "He understood me, Optimus Prime. Bumblebee understood me." Optimus didn't say a word. Melly turns her head to the side, looking out the window, "What is it about me that everyone on Cybertron hates?"

Optimus Prime taps his thumb on the wheel, "You are a hybrid. Your parents made a mistake."

"They said I was the solution to ending the war. What can I do to prove that to you?" Melly frowns at Optimus.

"Leave." He didn't hesitate to answer. Melly glares at him, "Leave?" She shakes her head, "Fine." Melly disappears from the seat, leaving Optimus alone in the truck. A sigh escapes his lips, knowing that she will reappear soon. Melly reappears in her Hornet and heads to Sam's house, streams of tears falling from her eyes. She has to help them, and fast.

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