The Next Step: Belated

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I didn't fully remember falling asleep, but when I woke up a couple hours later the bed was empty. I looked around groggily to see that Syd was gone, the door to the room cracked open just slightly. I could faintly smell weed, and got up to see where he had gone off to.

I found him on the main level, sitting on the ramp, a joint in his mouth. I walked up and sat next to him,

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him. He took another puff of his joint, judging by the ashes by his feet it was at least his second one. He offered it to me as he exhaled and I accepted it,

"Couldn't sleep." He replied, "Cramps. And then I could hear Irwin and Blake fucking and it was too awkward to stay in the room." I choked on my hit, coughing violently,

"Oh, god, ew." I sympathized once I had finally finished with my coughing fit, "I'm so sorry you had to hear that."

"Eh, it's fine." He assured me, "I'm sure it was just revenge for us earlier." I blushed, embarrassed,

"Oh, god, was I loud? I really tried not to be." He shrugged,

"Can't help that I'm good at what I do." He said, only half-joking.

"Oh, wow, full of yourself." I joked back, he nudged my shoulder with his,

"Only 'cos right now I can't be full of you." He winked conspiratorially at me and I laughed,

"Babe, you know I'm a virgin, right? Do you even know how bad it's gonna be the first few times?"

"You could look at it that way." He conceded, "Or... You could look at it like me getting to teach you exactly what I like without you having any preconceived notions about what you should or shouldn't do." I thought about it for a second,

"You know, I do like the sound of that." I finally relented, "But you have to promise to tell me exactly what to do!" He laughed,

"That's a deal as long as you promise to listen."

"Deal." I agreed.

We finished the joint and then went back to bed, Syd snuggling back into my chest and immediately beginning to snore softly. I chuckled and buried my head in my pillow, following suit.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of the food bell, and the smell of bacon and coffee. I rolled over tiredly to see that it was 9am, then rolled back, shaking Syd awake gently. He opened his eyes blearily, sniffed the air a couple of times, and then practically floated out of bed and over to his dresser. He dug around inside of it for a moment before pulling out a tampon and excusing himself to the bathroom. I waited for him to return, and then we headed down to the cafeteria together.

When we arrived, Dom, Vi, and Kai were already eating. Irwin was piling pancakes and bacon high onto a plate. When he saw us enter, he looked us both up and down with a smirk.

"Have fun last night?" He asked, I felt myself blush,

"I don't know, did you?" Syd replied coolly. Kai choked on her orange juice.

"Are you guys fucking serious?" She asked, tears streaming down her face as she tried to cough the juice out of her lungs,

"Oh, they were fucking something, alright." Dom answered, taking another bite of pancake, "And while your bae is sick, too, Irwin." She scolded him sarcastically, "Despicable."

"Hey, they came onto me, thank you very much." He retorted, seeming almost a little too proud of himself, "And, now, I am going to provide for them. Like the amazing boyfriend I am." He stuck his tongue out at her, grabbed one of the bottles of syrup, and left with his spoils.

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