Black white and grey.

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I only meant to close my eyes fir a fee seconds, just to rest my eyes, but when I open them I'm in the same place as I was before.

I look around for a bit and walk up to the door. I try to open it but its locked. Instead I sit on the floor and look around even more.

A basket ball hoop is above the door but no basket ball in sight. I wondered where it was, when suddenly one falls from the endless sky. I pick it up and throw it at the basket hoop and It goes in perfectly.

I stroll over to the door and try and open it again, this time its unlocked. When I open the door, the vibrant colours of the room I was in a few moments ago disappear, and once again all I see is black white and greys except for myself who is full of colour.

I step into the room and close the door behind me. Aubrey, Sunny, and Hero are playing a card game together in the corner of the dull room.

Sunny notices me and Waves me over. I walk towards them and they all say hello. "hey Kel" Says Hero "Hello Kel" Aubrey says. Sunny dosent say anything, but smiles slightly. He dosent talk much, he's a bit shy.

"Hey guys, let's go to the swimming pool" Aubrey suggests "I don't see why not" Hero shrugs. "Everything we need is in that bag over there, can you grab it for us Kel?" Aubrey asks. I Nod and go grab the bag. "Great, Let's go" Aubrey says. "Mari and Basil should be there too." She adds.

I gasp in happiness when I hear their names.

We climb down a long ladder and reach a big patch of emerald green grass and there's a big hill, "We should roll down the hill!" I yell throwing myself to the floor at once and start rolling. When I get to the bottom I turn to look at Aubrey and brush all the grass off myself. That's weird, Aubrey didn't roll down the hill with me and Hero didn't Scold me for getting dirty?

"The swimming pool is just past here" Hero says.

The swimming pool is huge, and inside the pool was Mari and Basil. We all get changed in the changing rooms before heading into the pool.

I hug Mari and Basil, they also have no colour to be seen. They looked like them, but it didn't feel exactly right, but that disnt matter, right? All that matters is that we're back together. I'm sure I'll find a way to get their spirits up, I always do!

Mari, Hero, Basil and Aubrey start a ball game, but Sunny dosent want to play so I decided to stay with him so he dosent get lonely.

I turn to speak to Sunny, "hey Sunny!" I say. Sunny looks at me with a straight face. "wake up, Kel" Sunny says.

"What do you mean? I am awake?" I say.

He starts to look scared. "Wake up kel!" He says again. This time, his voice dosent sound right. It sounds like..Aubrey? I ignore this and continue to tell him "But Sunny, I'm already awake!!" I yell in confusion.

"KEL!!" Aubrey shouts into my ear. I open my eyes and sit up rubbing my eyes. Aubrey and Hero are standing Above me.

"Kel are you alright? you were talking in your sleep" Hero says. "You kept saying you we're already awake when we tried to wake you up. And you were talking to Sunny too.. and.. Mari and Basil. You were even talking to me and Hero" Aubrey says

I try to Talk but nothing comes out. "I.." I Bury my head in my knees and try not to cry. "Hey, it's okay!" Aubrey says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"H-he was.. right there.. Sunny was right there! and so was Mari and Basil.. they were right there.. they all went swimming with me.. and then sunny was telling me to wake up.. " I say "that was us, kel. We've been trying to wake you up for the past 15 minutes!" Hero says.

I sit up straight and look over to the clock. It's only been an hour although it had seemed alot longer.

I turn to the side of my bed and get up. I walk towards the door of my bedroom and step outside of it. Aubrey and Hero stand in the room confused.

I go to the bathroom to use the toilet. When I finish I stare into the mirror on the wall.

A familiar voice could be heard from within the room. I looked around until I saw him. He was standing still his back turned. "Sunny?" I said, cautiously walking to him. He turned around to face me and I throw my arms around him as he does so. "Sunny!!" I smile, closing my eyes, feeling safe now that he's here

I took a step back, giving him space to breath. After opening my eyes everything seems dull. The colours have faded and are now only black, white, and grey. I look up at him and suddenly he starts to fade away.

"No, no no no no Sunny where are you going?! Please don't leave me here alone again!" I wail.

I turn around to see if he had moved but Instead I am met with another figure. One that is much taller than me.

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