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Hero pulls me into a tight hug, tears pouring down his face. "I was so worried about you" he sobs into my shoulder. I haven't seen Hero like this in ages. I wait for a moment and then wrap my arms around him too. We stay like that for a few minutes, Hero still sobbing into my shoulder.

We finally pull away from eachother and I wipe the tears from his eyes. "Where were you? Why did you run off like that?" Hero sniffles.

I stare blankly at him, unable to answer. Hero walks to his bed and sits on it, he pats the space next to him, motioning for me to sit beside him, So I do.

Hero looks up at me for a second, and he notices the blood dripping down my head. "OH MY GOD KEL YOURE BLEEDING WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ARE YOU OKAY?!" He shouts, covering his mouth with his hand looking shocked.

"I fell" I say. he goes to the bathroom and gets a cold towel and puts it on my head, cleaning the blood off for me. "Kel, I miss Sunny and Basil too, but you need to start taking better care of yourself."

Hero asks again: "where were you?" This time I respond. "I was in the forest beside fix-it." I say, not looking up from the ground.

"Why did you run out like that? Are you okay?" Hero asks me. "I.." I couldn't tell him the truth. The mari figure, the strange dreams, the group of people that found me in the forest, I couldn't say any of it. Because it didn't sound real, and it probably wasn't.

"Yes" I say, walking back to my bed on the other side of the room. I lay down on my side, not bothering to change my clothes. Hero dosent say anything else and I eventually fall asleep.

I yawn and rub my eyes as I swing my legs to the other side of the bed, forcing myself to get up. I walk towards the door and open it, Hero, mum and dad are all sitting by the table eating breakfast. I quietly take my seat beside Hero, not making eye contact with anybody.

We eat in silence, nobody wanting to make this any more awkward than it already was. I try to eat my waffles on my plate but I'm not hungry anymore and I don't have the energy to do so.

Finally, my dad speaks. "S-so.., uh..Your friend.. Sunny's funeral is next week...do you plan on going?" He asks awkwardly. I Nod my head, still not making eye contact with anyone.

I try to hold back my tears as the words replay over and over in my head. Sunny's funeral. Sunny's funeral. Sunny's funeral..?

Tears start pouring down my face as I sit silently. I get up from the table and go to my room. I wish that I could be with Sunny and Basil again. Basils funeral was in a few days and I cried at the thought of never seeing him again after that. I thought about Them both for a very long time. I sob and burry my face in my knees, wishing my best friends were still here. Wishing they didn't have to die the way they did. Wishing that everything was the way it was 4 years ago.

I sit there sobbing into my knees for a long time. My eyelids start to feel heavy after some time, though i try to stay awake, I soon drift into deep sleep.

My eyes instantly feel lighter as I open them in a new place I didn't recognise before. The sky was above me and when I looked down I was standing on the clouds. I look around cautiously, and I see lots of people. Their pure white wings attached to their back and a halo above each of their heads.

I start walking around and I see 3 people, standing in the distance. One tall girl with long, beautiful hair. And 2 shorter boys, one with black hair and the other with blonde. They remind me of Sunny Basil and Mari so I walk over to them. The closer I get  the more I realise. This IS Sunny mari and Basil!

"SUNNY!!!!!!! MARI!!!!! BASIL!!!!!!" I yell, now running to them. I throw my arms around Mari and she looks at me shocked, Basil and Sunny also look taken aback. "Kel?" Mari says. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to leave this moment. Sunny and Basil stand beside us, watching. "Kel?" Says Basil "Are you okay?" Says Mari. Even Sunny speaks to check on me. "Kel?" He pauses for a second and then says it again. "Kel?" I open my eyes to look at him but when I do we're back in the dull and boring room from my other dreams.

I turn around to look at Mari who looked worried for me. "Kel are you alright?" She asks. "I- but we..- we were just.. in the.. sky?" Aubrey bursts out laughing "The sky!? come on Kel, don't be silly." She says shaking her head.

On the far side of the room a photo is on the floor. I walk over to it and pick it up. I stare at it for a split second before it disappears into thin air. It was a photo of a tree, but not just any tree. It was the same tree that mari had used to end her own life. It was a black and white photo and it sent a shiver down my spine just looking at it.

 It was a black and white photo and it sent a shiver down my spine just looking at it

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Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mari appears behind me. "Kel? What's up?" She says. I turn around to talk to her but this couldn't be mari, no, no it couldnt be. Who was this mysterious figure behind me? It didn't look like mari one bit.

I only saw it for a few seconds before it vanished into thin air.

I was left standing alone, standing in the orange room once again

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I was left standing alone, standing in the orange room once again. I decided to call it orange space, as it was technically just an orange space. I wasn't there for long. In fact I was back in my room a few minutes later.

I lift my head up tiredly, the creature standing behind me bad scared me alot and I felt like I was being watched.

I stand up and wipe my eyes, still shaking, I make my way over to the bathroom to wash my face and get cleaned up. I close the door and look at myself in the mirror. There is something standing behind me and I gasp in shock. It disappears and I turn around quickly trying to see where it went, but there is no sign of it anywhere.

I hear whispers from somewhere in the room. They're whispering to me. "why didn't you save them Kel?" "You should've tried harder, Kel." "You're the reason they did it kel" I cover my ears and shut my eyes tight but the whispers just get louder: "Sunny and Basil are gone" "you're useless" "Why didn't you help them Kel?" The whispers get louder with each one. "Nobody needs you Kel" "you're worthless" "you should've died instead of them" "Mari would be disappointed in you, kel." I open my eyes and raise my fist to bang it on the bathroom mirror. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP MAKE IT STOP IM SORRY MARI IM SORRY SUNNY IM SORRY BASIL PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" I shout loudly over and over again. I bang my fist hard against the mirror so hard that it shatters into hundreds of tiny pieces all over the bathroom floor. I stand there in shock, the glass shards of the mirror still falling to the floor. I didn't know I could do that. I sink to the floor shaking and crying, the whispers continuing to torment me.



anyway, thank you so much for reading this I apriciate it!! I'll write another chapter and have it out by friday-saturday!

Love you all, stay safe! <3

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