seven. starting point

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( seven. starting point )

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She was shaking.

But she was doing a good job at hiding it though.

Just the sight of the large capsule planted in the center of the lab was enough to get her riled up.

Today was that day. The day where Steve would finally become (a hotter?) Steve. Alright, that sounded wrong but it was time for the Super Soldier Program to finally commence. And she got the feeling that nothing bad was going to happen, Howard and Dr. Erskine had assured her a lot of times that they took all the tests necessary to ensure that this would work a hundred percent correctly.

Probably, she had asked too many times to make Dr. Erskine think if she and Steve were actually friends.

And it was enough for her to get back into her system again. She stopped being too nagging about it; asking questions less frequently and keeping her worries to herself instead.

She sure hoped this would go exactly the way it was supposed to be.

By the time she got downstairs, she already saw Howard preparing the machine and equipment in place. Dr. Erskine was also there, accompanied by other well-known scientists and as well as the nurses and—oh, Becca was here. Yay.

Before she could go over and talk to her, Stark's voice stopped her, "Nurse Klein, would you be a doll and hand me that wrench over there?" She rolled her eyes but did what she was told. "Thanks."

Natasha wasn't sure if she had anything else to do but decided to stay for a while and see if she could assist this moron with anything.

"So," he started, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, "You eager to see him get all hunked up? I think this is the moment you've been waiting for since day one, right?"

Heat rose to her cheeks but she didn't deny it, overdoing so with a smirk on her lips, "It's not like I get to see him every day turn from this scrawny kid in Brooklyn to a Greek Adonis sculpture. I know he's not my partner or teammate in this time, but hey, I'm a woman too. And a sight like that... it's hard not to stare."

He snorted. "Women... all after the physical things."

"That's a big word coming from you, Mr. Stark?"

"Sweetheart, you don't even know the half of it." He smirked before his gaze lifted up to something above them. "Heads up."


She followed his line of sight and looked to see Steve walked through the doors with Peggy Carter by his side. The first thing she noticed, that even from a distance, he was terribly frightened and nervous.

Her heart leaped when her mind finally processed the thought that Steve was here. Steve was actually here. Standing just a few feet away from her.

She sounded like a lovesick teenager. What the hell?

They came down to talk with Dr. Erskine. And she didn't even notice she was staring longer than necessary until she saw Howard snapping his fingers in front of her.

"Stare any longer and Rogers would melt into a puddle. Which is the last thing we need to happen right now."

"Shut up."

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